Today's Topic Summary

Group: chicagomayday@googlegroups.com
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/topics

  - A Pivotal Time for Immigrant Rights [1 Update]
  - A Pivotal Time for Immigrant Rights [1 Update]
  - May Day 2013 - Why You should march tomorrow [1 Update]

Topic: A Pivotal Time for Immigrant Rights
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/t/7cf5409d15342c1f

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From: nealbe...@aol.com
Date: Apr 30 08:36PM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/msg/61c69cfc29bda70d

In addition, it can be said that the government is ignoring the basic issue 
 of human rights, that we all have rights because we are human. No human 
being is  illegal, and defending such rights is

Topic: A Pivotal Time for Immigrant Rights
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/t/287901362b09afd4

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From: lgbtliberat...@aol.com
Date: Apr 30 07:21AM -0400
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/msg/2783a171b6d8cd92

A Pivotal Time forImmigrant Rights

Lastyear the United States deported more immigrants than in any other year of 
itsentire history.  

If the current trendcontinues, President Obama come

Topic: May Day 2013 - Why You should march tomorrow
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/t/ea3a574c5539f2

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From: Shaun Harkin <shaunhar...@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 30 09:49AM -0500
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/msg/56777dbf4671651e

Join us tomorrow at 2PM in Union Park to demand justice and the
legalization we demand.


March tomorrow because 10 years for a greencard

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