Today's topic summary

Group: chicagomayday@googlegroups.com

  - Libro Voces Migrantes [1 Update]
  - Fw: News & Views | Clinton Camp Demands Sanders Change His 'Tone' [1 Update]
  - Fw: This is an important week in Pilsen and Chicago [1 Update]

Topic: Libro Voces Migrantes
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/t/12e880dd95c0205f

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From: "Flavia Irene Rodríguez" <flaviair...@yahoo.com>
Date: Mar 21 05:47AM
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/msg/2457fb5df7e6f

Amiguito!, me encantó la dedicatoria, pero no puedo decir lo mismo del prólogo, 
muy ajeno al movimiento, asegura dos veces que no se consiguió nada, 
refiriéndose a una reforma migratoria, lo cual

Topic: Fw: News & Views | Clinton Camp Demands Sanders Change His 'Tone'
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/t/fdea482bced871e

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From: El Techno Colibri <eltechnocoli...@yahoo.com>
Date: Mar 28 11:38PM
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/msg/2457cec90a4c1

Hola all:
I'm sending you a few connections to info that we all need, whether documented 
or undocumented, enjoy and pass on, 
Les mandoalgunas pequeñas conexiones sobre información que todos

Topic: Fw: This is an important week in Pilsen and Chicago
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/t/5355e8f430532765

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From: El Techno Colibri <eltechnocoli...@yahoo.com>
Date: Mar 28 10:07PM
Url: http://groups.google.com/group/chicagomayday/msg/2457cb992499d

Hola all:

Pls. pass the info on, let's show them that we are not the fools, we can fight 
for our rights, see you there, Lupe 

    On Monday, March 28, 2016 2:28 PM, Pilsen Alliance

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