On Wed, 24 May 2006, felix winkelmann wrote:

On 5/23/06, Frédéric Peschanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

[...] Finally, I don't really understand which commands I should use for compilation :
 - of the library .o ==> .so

csc X.o Y.o -s -o libXY.so


as I already pointed out in my earlier reply to this thread (which is apparently, like so often these days, delayed forever by the mailing list software), the result of just linking several object files generated by csc together into a library is probably not the one you expect.

Something like

  csc -s -c mylib.scm supp{1,2}.scm
  csc -s mylib.o supp{1,2}.o -o mylib.so

will very likely generate a linker error due to multiple definitions of C_toplevel...

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