On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, Graham Fawcett wrote:

[...] SCGI the protocol does not specify how the Web application process runs. The original SCGI-server implementation was for Quixote, a Python web framework, and runs as a forking-server (each request is handled by a child process, managed in a pool by a controller process). I'm pretty sure that Thomas' implementation for Chicken is multithreaded. This matters to your app, but not to the front-end Web server. [...]

The CHICKEN SCGI egg is based on the tcp-server egg and therefore works exactly like the Python framework you mention.

Of course all the threads are CHICKEN user space threads, not native threads.

At the moment there is no load balancing over multiple processes each forking a defined number of threads or anything fancy like that -- so far my applications just haven't called for that.


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