On Sat, 6 Dec 2014, Joe Python wrote:

I was experimenting with a coroutine example which i got from the c2
website. see link below for code.


I get the expected output when I run the code using csi
However when i run the executable which i compiled with csc, i get [...] unexpected output.

Hello Joe,

this seems to have something to do with the fact that the toplevel behaves slightly differently in compiled and interpreted code. While the toplevel expressions of each compilation unit essentially form a single procedure body, the toplevel expressions fed to the interpreter are processed independently. This can make a difference when capturing the continuation of a toplevel expression.

Furthermore, the control flow in your code is probably not what you expect it and want it to be: Your coroutine constructor arranges for the continuation of the *first* coroutine invocation to be captured and used for returns of *every* yield statement.

You can easily verify the combined effect of these phenomena by inserting some print statements around the coroutine invocations at the end of your program. In the interpreted case, the captured continuation incidentally returns control to the surrounding read eval loop, however in the compiled case the captured continuation returns you to the place in the program between the first an second explicit coroutine invocation, effectively constructing an endless loop around the second invocation.

A quick fix for the problem would be to actually use the new return continuations returned by the yield expressions upon re-entry into the coroutine: Simply replace every call of (yield WHATEVER) in your coroutine body by (set! yield (yield WHATEVER)) and the program will behave identically (and correctly, I might add) in compiled and interpreted mode.

If you find that solution inelegant, you might want to encapsulate this behaviour of yield into a macro or use parameters to implement a global yield procedure instead.

I hope this helps :-)


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