Thanks, Kon.

On 12/19/2014 11:45 PM, Kon Lovett wrote:

On Dec 19, 2014, at 10:38 PM, Alexej Magura < <>> wrote:

In Common Lisp, clisp specifically, you can test whether a symbol has been bound, that is interned, or not using boundp; is there a way to do this in Chicken?

(boundp 'a) ; nil
(defvar a 1)
(boundp 'a) ; t

I wrote up a function once a while back that used exception handling to check if a symbol had been defined, but if there's already an egg that provides this support or if it's built-in, I wanted to know so that I wouldn't have to bother trying to rewrite said function.

Look at the symbol-utils egg unbound-value unbound-value? unbound?

#;1> (use symbol-utils)
#;2>  (unbound? 'foo)
#;3> (unbound? '+)

Alexej Magura
Chicken-users mailing list <>

Alexej Magura

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