> Great to learn that you are still around here and caring for the egg.
> If you like those changes, please pull them in.  This would have the
> advantage to reduce clutter/pollution of the eggs listing.
> Pls. notify the list.  If you pull those changes in Mario should _not_
> include mine into the coop as it would become obsolete soon.  If you
> don't I'd ask for inclusion into the coop anyways.

Sounds good, I'll pull in your changes rather than us adding more gpio
eggs. Reducing the dependencies alone is worth doing since I expect
many people will just compile on the raspberry pi rather than set up a
cross-compiler. Please could you email me a git format-patch?

Just so you know, it may be a few days before I have time to test this
code out, busy week for me. I expect to have some raspberry pi gadgets
arriving though, so I'll have an incentive to try this out :D

>> I'm currently using this library without hitting the 'case' issue you
>> pointed out...
> This begs the (academic) how that's possible that this did work for you.

Just to be clear, I'm not implicating CHICKEN 4.10 just yet ;) I'll
look into it when I test your patch.

The other example I alluded to was this issue:
In that egg there was an obviously broken cond that passed the tests
just fine in CHICKEN 4.10.0 and (rightfully) failed for the CHICKEN
4.10.1 dev snapshot... very odd.


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