Everything seems to be in order, I’ve added the egg to the repository! :)

Thank you very much.

Unfortunately it has a bug (my fault): chicken-install pre-compiles it into a .so and (import (srfi 193)) in csi loads that .so instead of loading the source .scm file. The library uses cond-expand to figure out whether it's being loaded from csi or csc, but that doesn't work since csc has already expanded it when compiling the .so.

Is there a way to figure out if running in csi at runtime without using cond-expand?

The offending cond-expands are on this line: <https://github.com/lassik/chicken-srfi-193/blob/c962c276e6a78d6ff45521c4394a350393a065c7/srfi-193.scm#L19>

and this line: <https://github.com/lassik/chicken-srfi-193/blob/c962c276e6a78d6ff45521c4394a350393a065c7/srfi-193.scm#L29>

The wiki page looks fine too, please upload it to the wiki when you have the 

I don't have an account to edit the wiki.

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