Hi Megane,

Like Evan says, the libgit2 project doesn't keep your pointers around so
that should be safe. But thanks for pointing that out, errors caused by
these things are very hard to track down.

I'd actually never thought about a off-gc memory heap before. That is a
very interesting idea! I'm sure it's overkill for the git egg, but I will
definitely keep it in mind on my next memory management adventures.


On Mon, Jun 14, 2021, 10:42 Evan Hanson <ev...@foldling.org> wrote:

> I think we can probably just use blobs and locatives to keep things
> simple, without needing to involve finalizers or similar tricks.  This
> library is pretty good about leaving memory management up to the client,
> and they provide an object for indirection (the git_buf) when that's not
> possible. I'll have a look when I get a chunk of spare time.
> Thank you Kristian for digging into this, it is very helpful.
> Evan

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