It looks like I should be able to do line drawings with line-mesh. The spec
in the docs is:

[procedure] (line-mesh POINTS [mode: MODE])

Create a non-indexed mesh of POINTS. MODE should be a valid argument to
mode->gl, defaulting to #:line-strip.

But I can't figure out what POINTS are supposed to be. I've tried list
and vector of (make-point x y z) but I get:

Error: (make-mesh) Expected attribute attributes in the form (NAME

        Call history:

        hyperscene.scm:232: set-camera-clip-planes!     
        hyperscene.scm:233: set-camera-view-angle!      
        hyperscene.scm:234: set-camera-viewport-ratio!  
        example.scm:13: epoxy#clear-color       
        example.scm:15: ckui#make-label 
        ckui.scm:47: ##sys#get-keyword  
        ckui.scm:47: ##sys#get-keyword  
        ckui.scm:47: ##sys#get-keyword  
        ckui.scm:47: old-make   
        example.scm:14: ckui#show       
        ckui.scm:80: label?     
        ckui.scm:81: chicken.base#print 
        ckui.scm:86: gl-math#make-point 
        ckui.scm:87: gl-math#make-point 
        ckui.scm:88: gl-math#make-point 
        ckui.scm:87: hypergiant-geometry#line-mesh              <--

The snippet where I'm trying to create a node with mesh lines:

    (add-node ui normal-pipeline-render-pipeline
     color: black
     position: (make-point 0 0 0)
     mesh: (line-mesh (vector (make-point 0 0 0)
      (make-point 100 0 0)))


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