On 2024-02-10 13:00, Peter Bex wrote:

These so-called "big-fixnums" are compiled into a string literal which gets 
decoded on-the-fly at runtime into either a fixnum (on 64-bit) or a bignum (on 32-bit).

That would be fine but where does that happen? csc actually barfs on my Scheme code (as per the subject line), instead of emitting C code to encode/decode into a string at runtime, as you mention. It won't even let me use string->number  by hand. The only thing that worked was

    (define  INT32_MAX  #x7fffffff)
    (define  INT32_MIN #x-80000000)
    (define UINT32_MAX  #xffffffff)
    ; chicken csc only does 31-bit literals in fixnum mode
    (define INT32_MIN  (foreign-value "((int32_t)  0x80000000)" integer32))
    (define INT32_MAX  (foreign-value "((int32_t)  0x7fffffff)" integer32))
    (define UINT32_MAX (foreign-value "((uint32_t) 0xffffffff)" unsigned-integer32))

... and I'm not sure what the implications of using a "foreign value" further down in my program are. If I assign them to another variable, does that variable also become a "foreign value"? How about if I do (bitwise-and IMAX32 int)  to truncate a signed number to unsigned32 (which is what I'm actually using them for)?

There's (currently) no option to force fixnum mode in a way that ignores
the existence 32-bit platforms.  Theoretically, it should be possible to
compile your code assuming fixnums (so it emits C integer literals) and
make it barf at compilation time if one tried to build for a 32-bit
platform using a #ifdef or something.  We just don't have the required
code to do this, and I'm not sure this is something we'd all want.

Well if csc emitted string->number code in fixnum mode when necessary, that would at least work. Although if I'm using fixnum mode, I'm probably looking for performance, and I'm not sure the subsequent C compiler is smart enough to optimize the "atoi" or whatever away into a constant. Maybe it is nowadays.

Otherwise, how do I write Scheme code to truncate a signed number to unsigned32? Resort to foreign values as I did above (or write foreign functions)?

-- Al

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