
My male, Desi Lou, was a nightmare to train.  He would go potty on top of
his toys, anywhere he was playing he would go instead of on the puppy pads.
When he was in his area, he would use the puppy pads, but otherwise he would
go wherever he was and/or wanted.  I got to the point that I put him out in
the back yard and told him to go potty.  I watched from the inside window
and he walked around out there for about 20 minutes before he actually went
potty.  I then opened the door and gave him a treat.  The next day it took
him almost as long, and then I gave him the treat.  The third day he walked
around for about 15 minutes and then stepped off the concrete to the rocks
and then ran to the door.close he knew he was getting a treat for stepping
in the rocks but didn't remember the going potty part.  It took over a week
for him to actually go right to the rocks and find a place to go potty and
then run to the door for his treat - he is very food oriented!  

I had my neighbors dog here for the last week and he started peeing on the
toys.  I think he was trying to mark them as his so that Mandy wouldn't play
with them.  I didn't see him doing this, but found it after the fact.  



Joan, Dolly Dee & Desi Lou


From: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com [mailto:Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of cattailmeadows
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 2:22 PM
To: Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Chihuahuas] New to Group and Need to know



Hi All!

I'm new to this group...I just got my first Chihuahua pup a month ago (well,
her mom is a Chi and I'm guessing her dad was a Chi/Doxie mix). She is now 4
months old, and I LOVE her to pieces! Marlee has a wonderful personality and
gets along well with my other dogs and cats. I have even been doing "Puppy
Kindergarten" training with her to socialize her and teach her good manners
(sit, down, stay, etc.) and she's doing pretty well. HOWEVER...she (WE)
cannot seem to make progress with housetraining, and I'm wondering if it's
just me, or if Chihuahuas in general, have difficulty with this issue. I
have tried following my dog trainer's advice to a tee, and have researched
advice on the web, but we still aren't making much progress. She is crate
trained at night (does very well for 8 hours or so), but during the day, she
just goes anywhere she wants. I have tried confining her to a puppy playpen
with pee pads and her toys and crate, and she sometimes uses them and
sometimes just has a great ol' time shredding them! I always praise her for
doing good, and sternly tell her "no" if I see her going inappropriately,
but have never really gotten angry with her (I really try the "positive
reinforcement" method and rewarding good behavior with treats). I take her
out every half hour (set a timer to remind myself) and make sure she goes in
her "potty area" outside, but then 15 minutes later she will go again in the
house. I really can't trust her for even a minute. I hate keeping her in her
crate all the time, when I can't sit and watch her, but she shreds her pee
pads in the larger pen, so I'm pretty frazzled right now (pee pads are kind
of expensive toys!). I would love to hear anyone's suggestions, or would at
least like to know that it isn't just me...are Chihuahuas often difficult to

Thanks for any advice!


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