*prayers said for you and Chassis. I hope things are better very soon*
On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Lynda <thecrittersh...@comcast.net> wrote:

> **
> Awwww Beth - try not to worry too much.  My dog has a trachea issue
> (collapsed trachea) and a heart murmer since birth and also a slightly
> enlarged heart - she's doing great-she's 8 1/2 and still as quick as she
> was as a baby.  Those antibiotics should take care of the infection.
> Sending positing thoughts and big doggy prayers....
> Lynda
> "I wish my book of life was written in pencil … There are a few pages I
> would like to erase"
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"Beth Michl" <classy1r...@yahoo.com>
> *To: *Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com
> *Sent: *Wednesday, December 7, 2011 2:08:22 PM
> *Subject: *[Chihuahuas] Chassis is sick
>  The last couple days Chassis has had a cough. When I came home at lunch
> yesterday she had a coughing fit that just went on ! We were at the vets
> 1st thing this morning. I was really worried as this is how Smidgens Heart
> failure symptoms started.
> The doctor listen to her heart and did confirm she does have a murmur! My
> heart fell in to my stomach when he said that. They took ex-ray's and she
> isn't in heart failure! Thank God.. She has a congenital defect of her
> trachea. It is not straight like it should be. She also has a bronchial
> infection, that is suspect she got from Caramella my new adopted Papillon.
> So she is on some antibiotics for the infection, and diuretics to get
> the fluids out of her  . Also a vaporizer.
> She is at a stage 3 murmur, but the doctor said she doesn't need any meds
> for her heart .
> I hate the diuretics just cause I know they are really hard on the kidneys
> and liver..
> I will post more with her updates. Please say a Prayer for Chassis. So not
> ready too lose her so soon after her Mama.
> Beth

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