Noise phobia in dogs

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Dog Noise Phobia, along with Dog Noise Anxiety, are terms sometimes used by dog 
owners and veterinarians to describe canine fear of and the corresponding 
stress responses to loud noises.
Noise-related phobia are common in dogs, and may be triggered by fireworks, 
thunderstorms, gunshots, and even bird noises. Associated stimuli may also come 
to trigger the symptoms of the phobia or anxiety, such as a change in 
barometric pressure being associated to a thunderstorm, thus causing an 
anticipatory anxiety.


1 Signs of Dog Noise Phobia
2 Common Problem Noises
3 Treatment Options 
3.1 Medications 
3.1.1 Possible Negative Effects of Medication in Dogs

3.2 Pressure Wraps
3.3 Training 
3.3.1 Desensitization
3.3.2 Counterconditioning
3.3.3 Possible Advantages and Disadvantages of Training

3.4 Exercise and Nutrition

4 See also
5 References
6 External links

Signs of Dog Noise Phobia[edit]
Signs and symptoms of dog noise phobia may include:

Urinating or defecating
Trying to jump out of windows or otherwise escape
Seeking out the owner
Dilated Pupils

Milder symptoms may become exaggerated after repeated exposure to the phobia 
The symptoms may present immediate physical danger to the dog, as in the case 
reported by Katherine A. Houpt, VMD, Ph.D., where a fleeing dog was hit by a 
vehicle. The progression of mild phobia to a significant one merits immediate 
treatment of any level of noise phobia.
Common Problem Noises[edit]
A variety of noises can provoke a dog's noise anxiety:

Construction Noises

Visuals, smells, and even barometric pressure or electrostatic changes can 
become associated with these noises progressively and then serve to further 
aggravate the condition.
Treatment Options[edit]
While it may not always be possible to remedy noise anxiety completely, 
effective management of the symptoms and associated dangers and discomforts are 
possible through a variety of treatments with varying effectiveness.
Commonly used medications include:

Melatonex (Melatonin)

Many of these medications are not specifically available in veterinary 
formulations but may still be prescribed by a veterinarian as an extra-label 
Possible Negative Effects of Medication in Dogs[edit]
Side-effects, drug interactions, and allergenic sensitivities are concerns when 
administering any medication to your dog. The Canine Liver Disease Foundation 
claims that many common drugs also can lead to liver damage in dogs, although 
they do not specifically cite any of the abovementioned drugs prescribed for 
dog anxiety.
Some drugs may result in sedation or general mood alteration of a dog. The 
website for Clomicalm (Clomipramine Hydrochloride) states it does not alter a 
dog's personality or sedate it, but does list lethargy/depression, vomiting, 
diarrhea, and an elevation in liver enzymes as possible results.
Pressure Wraps[edit]
Several "pressure wraps" or "body wraps" have appeared for sale to address the 
problem of dog noise anxiety. Dr. Donald Heagren, DVM, has cited the success 
one retail brand of pressure wrap, in regards to helping dogs deal with 
fireworks, while Dr. Shereen Farber, OTR, has similarly vouched for the 
successful functioning of another called The Anxiety Wrap.
There are existing theories to explain the effectiveness of maintained body 
pressure in treating a dog's noise anxiety, although there are not yet any 
existing studies specifically examining this treatment in this specific 
context. The mechanism that allows pressure to treat other forms of anxiety in 
humans and other animals may be responsible for any successes.
One example of successful treatment of anxiety through application of constant 
body pressure by a wrap is that of Temple Grandin's "Hug machine." Temple 
Grandin, after seeing how cattle would calm down while being put into a squeeze 
chute to receive their shots, developed a machine based on the same principle 
to treat the anxiety resulting from her own autism. Her "hug machines" function 
by maintaining a constant pressure on the body, leading to a reduction in 
Linda Tellington-Jones' "TTouch" technique, designed as a way of relaxing and 
training horses and eventually adapted to dogs as well, sometimes utilizes an 
ace bandage wrapped around the animal. Body wraps are also used to extend the 
benefits of the other aspects of the treatment.
Different forms of training and behaviour modification may aid or, eventually, 
eliminate the symptoms or sources of dog noise anxiety. It is, however, 
important to neither punish, nor directly comfort your dog exhibiting symptoms 
of noise anxiety, as the punishment may increase the fear associated with the 
scenario, and the comfort may reinforce the behavior.
Desensitization involves the introduction and gradual increase of the 
anxiety-causing stimuli in order to reduce the dog's stress response. The dog 
is trained to be calm when confronted with low-volume recordings of the source 
of the fear, which are then incrementally increased, allowing the dog to 
maintain a calm that can extend to a full, normal experience of the noise.
This training method is more successful in dogs than in cats, but still usually 
requires at least a weekly training session for the lifetime of the dog. 
Commercial CDs for the express purpose of dog noise desensitization are 
Counterconditioning, in contrast to desensitization, attempts to condition the 
fear stimulus with positive associations. Treats, a favorite toy, activity, or 
a place, are presented prior and following a thunderstorm, for example.
With repeated reinforcement, the dog should eventually come to associate the 
noise with the positive experience and be undaunted by future occurrences.
Possible Advantages and Disadvantages of Training[edit]
Training, in contrast to other remedies, often requires a large dedication of 
time at regular intervals. Some dogs may require the training routine to be 
extended for their entire lifetime to effectively manage the symptoms of noise 
anxiety. The use of trainers, also, may be prohibitive in cost. Finally, some 
dogs show little-to-no response from training of any duration
In contrast, it is sometimes possible to train one's own dog without the hiring 
of a trainer or purchasing of products, and some dogs may respond very well to 
training. Furthermore, the danger of side effects as may be present with 
medication are not a concern.
Exercise and Nutrition[edit]
Vigorous exercise and nutrition may contribute to a reduction of noise anxiety, 
along with general stress.
An increase in the amount of physical exertion on days where the fear-response 
is expected to occur can tire and relax the dog physically and mentally, as 
well as produce serotonin, which can act in the capacity of a natural sedative.
High-protein diets have been linked to some behavioral problems in dogs. A 
consultation with a veterinarian may yield dietary advice able to play at least 
a small role in reduction of the dog's anxiety symptoms.
See also[edit]

Dog behavior
Temple Grandin


Houpt, Katherine A. (2004) Domestic Animal Behavior, Fourth Edition, Blackwell 
Ballamwar, V. A., Bonde, S. W, Mangle, N. S. and Vyavahare, S. H. (Nov, 2008) 
Noise Phobia in Dog, Veterinary World, Vol.1(11): 351-352.

External links[edit]

Robin, Dobe Axel CGC, TT, German Pin Ranger CGC, TT, Chihuahuas Alice CGC, 
Monte CGC, and MinPins HoneyB and Brutus

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