Thanks all...I think I'll grab a bunch more stuffed toys...he loves those...his 
favorite game is us chasing him around trying to get the toy.   Anybody tried 
those toys like the tree trunk that has squirrels in it and they have to get 
the squirrels out? 

---In, <mommabear7772004@...> wrote:

 Chis love little stuffed toys , mine have a bunch !  Some will rip them up , 
some don't .  For chewing , I buy plain Nylabones .  Special small dog tennis 
balls available at pet stores . 


Sent from my iPhone
 On Oct 8, 2013, at 11:43 PM, <midnitevelvet2001@... 
mailto:midnitevelvet2001@...> wrote:

   Martha Stewart toys last a long time. Tinkerbell is 2 now, and she still has 
several 'carcasses' from when i brought her home as a pup.


---In, <megan@...> 

 Hi everybody,
 I'm trying to find some toys to keep Valken occupied (other than play chase 
with me or my husband).  Anybody tried the toys that have them find treats? 
Some of them are pretty expensive. Anyone have a DIY solution? 
 any info would be really helpful.
 Megan Burleson (& Valken)



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