Comment #6 on issue 4250 by jrezin: flash player going fullscreen while  
page still loading...

I'm not sure if the website tracks if you watch "fullscreen" and  
automatically starts
the player in this mode. But I know it doesn't automatically goes  
fullscreen all the
times, at least the first time you visit IIRC, but practically all videos  
I'm loading
are automatically going full screen now. I not logged in or something other  
than the
default cookie and selecting flash as preferred format instead of WMP in  
the video

The videos automatically play in fullscreen booth in Firefox and Chrome.  
But in
chrome it usually shows the behavior in the attached screenshot, but  
sometimes it

...that said... 'fullscreen' may be confusing, as the player do not use all  
available screen including OS's start bar (as in some sites), only the full  
browser screen not hiding its toolbar and status bar (but still using ESC  
to go bar
to the normal size).

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