Status: Unconfirmed
Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Misc

New issue 5345 by [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Some valid URL's report Error 320  

Chrome Version       : <REPLACE this with your version. Ex:>
URLs (if applicable) :
Other browsers tested:
   Add OK or FAIL after other browsers where you have tested this issue:
      Safari 3: OK
     Firefox 3: OK
          IE 7: OK

Some valid URL's not working in Chrome

Here are the look of the links that is not working in Chrome:
Error message from Chrome from the above link is:
Error 320 (net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE): Unknown error.

Testing the above URL in FF, IE7, OP or Safari works without any problems.

What is the reason for it not working in Chrome and can you devs.. please
fix this ASAP since this is the most annoying issue right now with
Chrome.... (that said... just made Chrome my default browser... it is
wicked fast and much more usable than uhhh even FF)

Then probably a related bug:

I got an attachment to a mail in my yahoo inbox:
The link to that attachement worked nicely in the other browser but not in

Note I have changed the link below but the form it is in might help tell
you guys why it failed in Chrome:

Gives me same error as my previous link:
Error 320 (net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE): Unknown error.

Keep up the good work on THE BROWSER :)

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