Saturday, March 22, 2008
Flunking Fichte 
"Education should aim at destroying free will so that after pupils are thus 
schooled they will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking 
or acting otherwise than as their school masters would have wished."
 Meet the Professor from hell, Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814), Head of 
Philosophy and Psychology of the Prussian University in Berlin anno 1810.

He blamed all but God for the German defeat against Napoleon Bonaparte: corrupt 
royals, the nobility, the decadent influence of reason, and a succession of 
weak governments that undermined religion as a moral force. He confronted the 
German losers with the burghers of the Middle Ages and they did not compare 
well: the burghers had made the Holy Roman Empire great because they weren't 
individuals, but sacrificed to the common good.

The emphasis in Fichte's educational system was on compulsion, duty for its own 
sake, obedience, the crush of free will, prohibition, fear for punishment, 
elimination of self-interest, religious immersion, pupils must become 'fixed 
and unchangeable machines' and 'links in the eternal chain of spiritual life in 
a higher social order.'

Fichte applied Kant to education, as generations of continental school 
children, until well within the last century, may have been aware of, although 
perhaps not consciously so. "Under proper guidance, the student will find at 
the end that nothing really exists but life, the spiritual life which lives in 
thought, and that everything else does not really exist, but only appears to 

A belated reaction to Fichte's will-crushing - but in full accordance with the 
extremes of the Hegel dialectic - was provided by Frankfurt School inspired 
anti-authoritarianism of the seventies of the last century. The Professor from 
hell has become the guidance counsellor called Bill.

As National Socialism differed from Marxism in the national versus the 
international context, intellecituals of the Counter-Enlightenment movement 
applied universals, but restricted them to the national settings. In Fichte's 
case on education: "Only the Germans, the salvation of Europe from the 
Napoleontic Enlightenment, are capable of true education."

In Fichte we have a good example of Left and Right Socialism as mirroring 
ideologies, not opposing social systems. Like so many of the anti-modernist 
movement, he was undoubtedly a man of the Right, but pursuing what would today 
be seen as a Leftist subject: egalitarian public education.

He may have inspired Marx to see school as a microcosm of the ideal society.



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