------ Forwarded Message
> From: Nick Bryant <nbry...@localnet.com>
> Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2009 11:37:36 -0400
> To: Robert Millegan <roads...@aol.com>
> Subject: Re: FW: King working with Granville Acadamy, national organization
> for inner city kids?

> Kris, a blogger friend of mine suggested the following message that has more
> impact. You make the call.
> You can do something, right now, to help rip the lid off the cover-up of one
> of the biggest child sex abuse scandals, EVER.
> It's a huge, creepy story, and people died in the cover up. (The Washington
> Times had this on their front page, before the story totally disappeared. See
> it here: http://www.sanderhicks.com/franklin.html)
> My friend Nick Bryant just pulled off the impossible, and published an
> authoritative book on this, called "The Franklin Scandal." (Trine Day, 2009).
> He took a lot of heat to get this book out. Now he needs your help.
> The GOP's Lawrence King was never prosecuted for sex abuse. Nick and I just
> found out that King's still active in the DC Suburbs, publicly speaking at
> after school programs at the Granville Academy! We were apoplectic!
> Yet, progressive media leaders tell Nick they lack "the fortitude" to publish
> about this in their magazines.
> Nancy Grace has a show on CNN, and she focuses on child sex abuse. Perfect.
> Let's get Nick and the Franklin Scandal story on her show.
> YOU CAN JOIN THE DISCUSSION, and vote against the cover up. Please post a word
> of support for coverage of this important new book, The Franklin Scandal.
> Please put it into your own words, speak from the heart, and be positive.
> http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form5.html?81
> Then, please spread the message far and wide to friends and associates through
> email, social networks, and word of mouth.

------ End of Forwarded Message

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