------ Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" <dasg...@aol.com>
> Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 01:49:09 EST
> To: Robert Millegan <ramille...@aol.com>
> Cc: <ema...@aol.com>, <j...@aol.com>, <jim6...@cwnet.com>,
> <garyn2...@yahoo.com>
> Subject: Kenneth Anger Will Film Crowley's Gnostic Mass (after Doing a Hitler
> Youth Film)

> Anger readies film of Crowley's Gnostic Mass
> http <http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2002/mar/21/news>
> //www.guardian.co.uk/film/2002/mar/21/news
> <http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2002/mar/21/news>
> 19 March 2002 -- Cult film-maker, actor and author Kenneth Anger, honoured
> last week by the Mar del Plata Film Festival in Argentina, is readying a
> 40-minute film version of The Gnostic Mass, an occult ceremony set out by
> Aleister Crowley in 1910. Anger, who hopes to cast Chloe Sevigny as the
> priestess and Vincent Gallo as the priest <<best known for their "Brown Bunny"
> ritual, LXVIIIº >> and Dennis Hopper** as the deacon, says Sir John Paul Getty
> is to back the film.
> http 
> <http://thequietus.com/articles/01753-experimental-filmmaker-kenneth-anger>
> //thequietus.com/articles/01753-experimental-filmmaker-kenneth-anger
> <http://thequietus.com/articles/01753-experimental-filmmaker-kenneth-anger>
> June 2, 2009 -- Last I heard you were working on Gnostic Mass, a documentary
> about an occult ritual.
> Anger: I filmed it in a rough form but I have to completely reshoot it. I did
> a study of the last 40 minutes of the actual ceremony and I have to find the
> money to do it again. I'm an independent artist, not working in commercial
> cinema, and the problem is finding the money to fund my longer projects. I can
> manage the short ones on my own, but when it gets to be nearly an hour it's a
> problem for me. 
> Can you tell us what you are working on right now?
> Anger: I'm consistently making films, I have been since I was a teenager. I
> recently finished a 35mm film using archive material, which I love working
> with, on the Hitler youth called Ich Will! which means "I want" in German.
> That was an interesting project. I showed a film at the Imperial War Museum
> last year which was a work in progress, I'm still working on it -- Uniform
> Attraction, about the power of uniforms to transform ... basically men, though
> women wear uniforms, too ... A thing about how uniforms transform people.
> ------------ 
> **Anger's Thelemite pal Curtis Harrington had given Dennis Hopper (who'd
> played supporting roles since 1955, alongside members of gay director Nicholas
> Ray's private harem such as James Dean, Sal Mineo and Nick Adams) his first
> starring role:
>> NIGHT TIDE (1961) Written & Directed by Curtis Harrington; Produced  by Aram
>> Katarian
>> Starring Dennis Hopper ... and [in a  cameo] Parsons' widow Marjorie  Cameron
>> as "Water Witch"
>> Music by David Raksin,  Cinematography Vilis Lapenieks, Editing by Jodie
>> Copelan 
>> American  International Pictures, Running time 84 min.
> http <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Hopper>
> //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Hopper
>  <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Hopper>
> Hopper was born in Dodge City, Kansas, the son of Marjorie Mae (née Davis) and
> Jay Millard Hopper. After the end of World War II, the family moved to Kansas
> City, Mo., and then, when Hopper was 13 <in 1948-9>, to San Diego, where his
> father was a "post office manager." Hopper has since acknowledged that his
> father was in the OSS, the precursor to the CIA. [http
> <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/1510435/posts>
> //www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/1510435/posts
> <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-chat/1510435/posts> ]  Hopper was
> [privately] educated at Wooster School, Danbury, Connecticut.  Later he was
> voted most likely to succeed by his high school class (at Helix High School,
> La Mesa, California, a suburb of San Diego). It was there he developed an
> interest in acting, studying at the Old Globe Theatre in San Diego and the
> Actors Studio in New York City. Hopper struck up a friendship with actor
> Vincent Price, whose influenced Hopper's interest in art.
> Hopper debuted in an episode of the Richard Boone television series Medic in
> 1955 and was then cast in two roles with James Dean (whom he admired
> immensely) in Rebel Without a Cause (1955) and Giant (1956). Dean's death in a
> 1955 car accident affected the young Hopper deeply -- it was shortly
> afterwards that he [first began getting into conflicts with directors]. In his
> book "Last Train to Memphis," pop music historian Peter Guralnick says that in
> 1956, when Elvis Presley was making his first film in Hollywood, Dennis Hopper
> was the roommate of fellow actor Nick Adams and the three became friends and
> socialized together.
> http <http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr93.html>
> //www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr93.html
> <http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/nwsltr93.html>
> ... Another shining star on the Laurel Canyon scene [was] singer-songwriter
> Jackson Browne, whose father was assigned to post-war 'reconstruction' work in
> Germany, which very likely means that he was in the employ of the OSS,
> precursor to the CIA. Post-war reconstruction in Germany largely consisted of
> maintaining as much of the Nazi infrastructure as possible while shielding war
> criminals from capture and prosecution. Against that backdrop, Jackson Browne
> was born in a military hospital in Heidelberg, Germany. Some two decades
> later, he emerged as Š oh, never mind.
> [Dennis] Hopper proudly proclaims that his father "was one of the 100 guys who
> liberated General Wainright out of prison in Korea." Actually the Red Army
> freed Wainright and other prisoners, and the US intelligence team just came to
> pick them up, debrief them and transport them home <<for "de-programming," a
> work in progress>>. The modern version of Dennis Hopper, by the way, is wildly
> at odds with the "hippie" image that he at one time tried very hard to
> cultivate. Today's Dennis Hopper is an unapologetic cheerleader for Team Bush
> who proudly boasts of having voted a straight Republican ticket for nearly
> thirty years. 
> [Peter Fonda's father Henry Fonda] served as a decorated US Naval Intelligence
> officer during World War II, thus sparing Peter the stigma of being the ONLY
> member of the Laurel Canyon in-crowd to have NOT been spawned by a member of
> the military/intelligence community ... In 1957, Hank married Italian Countess
> Afdera Franchetti, who followed up with a rumored affair with John F. Kennedy.
> Franchetti, as it turns out, is the daughter of Baron Raimondo Franchetti, who
> had been a "consultant" to fascist dictator Benito Mussolini [and was
> assassinated on orders from British intelligence].
> To recap, we have thus far met three of these 'Young Turks' and found that one
> of them is the nephew of a Bonesman, another is the son of a Naval
> Intelligence officer who married [the daughter of a high-ranking Fascist], and
> the third is the slightly deranged son of an OSS officer.
> That covers most of the 'Turkettes' as well, since Jane Fonda came from the
> same family background as her brother Peter, and Sharon Tate was the daughter
> of Lt. Col. Paul Tate, a career US Army intelligence officer.
> Since "Easy Rider" had remarkably deep roots in the early Laurel Canyon scene,
> we need to briefly focus our attention here on one other individual involved
> in the film: art director Jeremy Kay, aka Jerry Kay.  Before "Easy Rider," Kay
> had worked on "Angels from Hell," "Hells Angels on Wheels" (with Jack
> Nicholson), and "Scorpio Rising" (Kenneth Anger's occult-tinged homage to gay
> bikers). 
> In the mid-1970s, Jerry Kay would write, direct and produce a charming little
> film entitled "Satan's Children." <<Synopsis: "Troubled teenager Bobby has a
> lousy time at home with a jerk of a stepfather and a sexually teasing
> stepsister making life unbearable. He storms out of the house one night only
> to be beaten up and gang-raped by gay bikers. The bikers dump Bobby near a
> compound of Satanists who take him in and, on the orders of <lesbian coven
> leader> Sherry, nurse him back to health. ..." "'Satan's Children' is
> passionate in its Lucifer leanings. The prayers and paganism have a real
> bohemian Beelzebub quality and the filmmaker is not afraid to use gory,
> twisted violence to underscore the wicked nature of the satanic dogma. When it
> comes to a realistic portrayal of Devil worship, 'Satan's Children' delivers
> the demonic goods." http <http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/asylumsatan.php>
> //www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/asylumsatan.php
> <http://www.dvdverdict.com/reviews/asylumsatan.php>  >>
> <<In 1976 Kay wrote and directed "The Waxing Moon": "Elderly botanist Dr.
> Praetorius <named after the campy villain in "Bride of Frankenstein," directed
> by Curtis Harrington's mentor James Whale?> has developed a cross-bred flower
> of strange beauty which blooms only during a full moon. Its juice has
> remarkable properties, instantly healing wounds, granting immediate
> exhilaration plus the ability to read minds. Praetorius uses the plant's
> miraculous powers to rejuvenate his aged, crippled body.">>
> Of more interest than his film credits is [Jerry Kay's] membership in the
> 1960s in a group known as the Solar Lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis (or
> OTO), which found itself in the news, and not in a good way ... Two weeks
> after Easy Rider premiered on July 14, 1969, police acting on a phone tip
> raided the Solar Lodge's compound near Blythe, California and found a
> six-year-old boy locked outdoors in a wooden crate in the sweltering desert
> heat. The young boy had been chained to a steel plate for nearly two months in
> temperatures reaching as high as 117° F. The leader of the cult, Georgina
> Brayton, reportedly told cult members that "when it was convenient, she was
> going to give [the boy] LSD and set fire to the structure ..." Killing the
> child had been discussed and was apparently condoned by the boy's mother.

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