------ Forwarded Message
> From: Eric Scheibeler <ensc...@yahoo.com>
> Reply-To: <ensc...@yahoo.com>
> Date: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 11:57:18 -0500
> To: Robert Millegan <roads...@aol.com>
> Subject: Steve Hassan Cult Expert M-L-M Video
> Dear Robert,
> Excellent Video Interview filmed solely for Merchants of
> Deception (MOD) E-Zine subscribers! Best Selling author and Cult
> expert Steve Hassan reveals fascinating details of motivational
> organization recruitment and indoctrination tactics - See it here:
> http://merchantsofdeception.com/mod/wordpress/cult-expert-steve-hassan-video-i
> nterview/
> The most difficult e-mails and calls that I receive are from
> people who are desperate to rescue a loved one from the clutches
> of one of the Amway motivational groups. They seem completely
> frustrated when the loved one does not respond to reason. The
> reason for this is that many appear to have been subjected to
> cult indoctrination tactics. Distributors from around the world
> have contacted me in relation to psychological problems they
> personally experienced after indoctrination in the Amway
> motivational organizations.
> Some have described depression, a sense of loss of "community",
> divorce and the aftermath of suicides. I certainly faced a very
> difficult personal struggle myself when I came out of one of
> these groups. Certainly not everyone recruited into Amway has
> had a dramatic cult experience. However, many testimonials have
> come in that utilized the terms ³Cult², ³Mind control²,
> ³brainwashing², or ³group dynamics² in describing their experiences.
> Steve Hassan is a best-selling author, licensed family psychologist
> and one of the foremeost experts on cults. His books include
> Combatting Cult Mind Control and Releasing the Bonds: Empowering
> People to Think for Themselves. I recently sat down with Steve and
> talked with him about the cult like aspects of the Amway motivational
> organizations.
> Steve and I will be doing a seminar for people who have been
> victimized by destructive groups (and for those who have a loved one
> involved in one of these groups). It will be in the Boston or NY area.
> Please reply if you would have an interest in attending or obtaining
> a video of the seminar afterward.
> Enjoy your Day!
> Eric Scheibeler  
> Merchants of Deception
> 1738 East Third Street
> Suite 204
> Williamsport, PA
> 17701
> US
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> http://autocontactor.com/app/r.asp?ID=39436306&ARID=0&D=
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