------ Forwarded Message
> From: "dasg...@aol.com" <dasg...@aol.com>
> Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 00:26:31 EST
> To: Robert Millegan <ramille...@aol.com>
> Cc: <tednew...@hotmail.com>
> Subject: [2] After the Coup d'Etat, History Rewritten

> Late breaking news on Clay Shaw's United Kingdom contacts
> <http://www.lobster-magazine.co.uk/online/issue20/lob20-02.htm>  [The Lobster,
> Issue 20, 1990]
> http://www.lobster-magazine.co.uk/online/issue20/lob20-02.htm
> ... when he knocked on the door of an apartment owned by  one of [CLAY] SHAW's
> boyfriends, it  was opened by Robin Drury.  Drury had been the 'agent' of
> Christine  Keeler during the time of the British sex scandal known as the
> Profumo Affair  in 1963.  Like Eddowes I had often wondered  whether [CLAY]
> SHAW knew Stephen Ward, the osteopath at the  centre of the affair.  This
> discovery inches the contention  forward ...
> Refresher for those who have forgotten or have trouble following the
> complicated interconnections:
> During 1962 and 1963, J. Edgar Hoover's FBI communicated its "suspicions" to
> the CIA that (1) two callgirls, Maria Novotny (brought to the US by Harry Alan
> Towers, a "Soviet agent" [but also a friend of Christopher Lee, who had MI6
> connections via relative Ian Fleming]) and Suzy Chang, were managed by "Soviet
> agent" Stephen Ward, (2) that both were linked to an alleged KGB sex-spy
> operating in the United Nations, (3) that both purportedly had sexual
> encounters with JFK and RFK --thereby making the Profumo scandal  that toppled
> the Macmillan Prime Ministry potentially also a "Kennedy scandal" that could
> have the same effect in the U.S.-- and, as if that weren't enough, (5)
> circulated allegations that Marilyn Monroe was the scorner lover of both JFK &
> RFK and that the Kennedys, with the Mafia's help, caused her suspicious
> "suicide."
> In short, for a year before the Kennedy assassination, both the FBI and CIA
> were furiously engaged in a disinformation campaign, hoping that by character
> assassination the Kennedys would be forced to resign.
> Both the Profumo scandal and the "murder" of Marilyn Monroe occurred during
> the same time-frame, as if two sides of a single operation targeting
> "perverted pinko-liberal" statesmen on both sides of the Atlantic.
> Any connection between participants in the FBI/CIA's "smear" campaign and
> suspects in the later plot to assassinate JFK is of extraordinary
> significance.
> CLAY SHAW, of course, was accused by Jim Garrison of being a high-level
> conspirator in the JFK assassination plot, and Shaw was linked to Permindex, a
> British "front" run by Louis Mortimer Bloomfield (of SOE, OSS/CIA, and Mossad,
> and model for Ian Fleming's supervillain "Blofeld")  ...
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Bloomfield
> "Bloomfield was recruited into the British
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom>  Special Operations Executive
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Operations_Executive>  (SOE) in 1938,
> the same year its head, William Stephenson
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Stephenson> , negotiated closer ties
> between the United States <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States>  and
> British <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom>  Intelligence
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intelligence_agency> .  On the advice of William
> Stephenson <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Stephenson>  US President
> Franklin D. Roosevelt <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt>
> established the Office of Strategic Services
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Strategic_Services>  in 1942 and
> Bloomfield was recruited by that organization and given the rank of Major
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major>  in the United States Army
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army>  <Army Intelligence>.  His
> main assignment was to help create and head recruitment for the Federal Bureau
> of Investigation 
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Bureau_of_Investigation> 's
> counter-intelligence group Division Five
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Division_Five&action=edit&redlink=1
> > ." 
> http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKbloomfield.htm
> "Louis Mortimer Bloomfield died in 1984.  A few years before his death he
> donated 31 boxes of documents to the Library and Archives Canada, including
> correspondence with George H. W. Bush.  The one condition Bloomfield placed on
> the donation was that public access to the papers be restricted until 20 years
> after his death.  However, when researcher Maurice Phillips
> <http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6621>  attempted to
> gain access to these materials in 2004, he found that Bloomfield's widow,
> Justine Stern Bloomfield Cartier, STILL refused permission for them to be
> released into the public domain."

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