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> From: sunny s <sun...@cox.net>
> Reply-To: <artbellt...@yahoogroups.com>
> Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 10:34:26 -0000
> To: <artbellt...@yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: [ArtBellTalk] What Internet? China region cut off 6 months now
> What Internet? China region cut off 6 months now
> LIUYUAN, China (AP) - They arrive at this gritty desert crossroads weary from
> a 13-hour train ride but determined. The promised land lies just across the
> railway station plaza: a large, white sign that says "Easy Connection Internet
> Cafe."
> The visitors are Internet refugees from China's western Xinjiang region, whose
> 20 million people have been without links to the outside world since the
> government blocked virtually all online access, text messages and
> international phone calls after ethnic riots in July. It's the largest and
> longest such blackout in the world, observers say.
> Every weekend, dozens of people pile off the train in Liuyuan, a sandswept
> town on the ancient Silk Road that's the first train stop outside Xinjiang,
> 400 miles (650 kilometers) east of Urumqi, the regional capital.
> "We must get online! We must!" said Zhao Yan, a petite, ponytailed
> businesswoman from Xinjiang's capital, Urumqi. She has rented the same private
> booth in the Internet cafe every weekend since August in an uphill battle to
> keep her small trading business going.
> "If this goes on another couple of months, I'll have to give up," Zhao said.
> "I can't keep up with the outside world, and I'm losing money."
> Xinjiang residents are without Internet links unless they flee to farflung
> places like Liuyuan. One customer had traveled 750 miles (1,200 kilometers)
> just to get online.
> Authorities unplugged Xinjiang, a sprawling area three times the size of
> Texas, in an attempt to prevent a repeat of the ethnic rioting between the Han
> Chinese majority and the mainly Muslim Uighur minority that the government
> says left almost 200 dead. China's government blamed overseas activists for
> the riots, saying they stirred up resentment in the Uighur community through
> Web sites and e-mails.
> For many, it feels like being thrown back in time 30 years.
> http://apnews.excite.com/article/20100120/D9DBAUTG0.html
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