Esteemed Citizendians,

(Someone came up with that, "Citizendian," which seems to fit, despite
sounding like an alien race from a science fiction novel.)

OK, please keep this quiet for now, but I want to tell you what we're
announcing next week, because we need to come together and get to work!  But
I must save the details for next week and the press release, or our PR
consultant, the lovely Maggie, will kill me.  Beginning next week:

(1) As our next step toward public launch, we're going to make it possible
to auto-register.  Folks will be able to get to work on the wiki in a
minute.  Real names and bios will still be required, but "soft security"
(look it up) is used.

(2) We're going to start a recruitment drive.  I'll be organizing this
myself but will be needing many helpers, and if any able editor wants to put
in the several hours per day this task will take in the early weeks, and can
put up with me and my advice, I will be happy to hand over the job.  I have
far too much to do and NEED your help.

(3) We're starting our first actual funding drive!  YOU can contribute right
now, in fact, here:

(4) We've joined with a "nonprofit incubator," to be announced next week.
Hence we are now a legal nonprofit and can help ourselves to lots of
opportunities that have come our way, only to be deferred after we became a
legal nonprofit!  We will be reporting a few grants...  After a few more
and/or a successful "pre-launch fundraiser," we'll be able to afford the
servers and such needed to do a full public launch.

Also, we'll be calling the pilot project a success.  But we're now ready to
expand aggressively, and will start working to do so, both by recruiting and
by fundraising.

Also, not in the press release: we've got a new logo (to be unveiled over
the weekend, I believe); Sylvia Wolf has joined us as fundraiser; Jason
Potkanski has joined us as a part-time technical contractor; and (as you
already know) we are perhaps temporarily "unforking"--we're deleting
unedited (inactive) Wikipedia articles.  Folks can feel much freer to start
their own versions of articles, and will be strongly encouraged to do so.

So, let's get some substantial work in over the next week, please!  May I
ask for several (perhaps brief) new articles from you after noon, tomorrow,
Eastern time?  That's when the wiki will be "unforked," or blanked (except
for the CZ Live articles)--and we can see how we like starting over,
ourselves, from scratch.  I'm pretty sure we're going to like it, but we'll

I'm pumped!  Let's go!  :-)


P.S. I plan to do a big perspectival blog post next week, explaining in more
detail where I see us now and where I see us going in the next few months.
The changes and developments are going to keep coming fast and furious, as
they have been recently.

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