On 4/30/20 3:04 PM, Vipul Siddharth wrote:
> Hi folks,

Hi Vipul,

Good to meet you!

> I want to help with updating Fedora's dockerhub official image ~once
> in every 2 weeks.

Are you referring to our container images? The Cloud SIG doesn't really
deal specifically with those, but more the Cloud base images.

> I worked with Clement who was kind enough to help me get started.
> I can work with someone creating a new synced branch every 2 weeks so
> that I can send a PR but that's seems a but more trouble to others
> (unless someone volunteers to do it so that I can bug them :)).
> I am requesting to be added to the repo with commit access.

Which repo?

> My FAS is siddharthvipul1 and I am part of CPE team at Red Hat.
> Thank you
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