I just did this for a broken autopilot that was mounted in the sides of my 
cockpit that wasn’t working.  My strategy was to use an angle grinder to taper 
the edges of the hole back to try and get at least an inch of exposed glass on 
an angle all around the hole.  Then I took a piece of roughly 0.1” thick g10 
that was bigger then the hole and glued it in behind.  First sand the G10 with 
course grit paper, clean with acetone and then use a fast setting adhesive (I 
used 3M 8805NS) and tape in place until set.  In your case you need to get it 
between the liner and the deck laminate so if you don’t have access from 
elsewhere you may need to do it in more than one piece. Then just use masking 
tape on the back of the seam when you go to laminate glass in. Once the g10 is 
bonded and cured you can wet lay glass fabric in to fill the hole.  use slow 
epoxy and orienting the layers in different directions. Doesn’t matter if the 
glass goes slightly beyond the hole- you can sand it off later. When that is 
cured sand off areas that stick out using a large orbital sander with course 
grit and fill areas that are not thick enough with fairing compound. Sand again 
to 120 grit. Prime and paint or gel coat to finish.

You may want to stick with a teak or starboard cover plate on the inside as I 
think it will be harder to match the liner well and if you put instruments in 
you may want access to wire the backside anyway.

- -
Nathan Post
S/V Wisper

> On Jun 13, 2020, at 11:29 PM, Randy Stafford via CnC-List 
> <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
> Hello Listers,
> Today I removed a broken compass from Grenadine’s cabin wall, and a teak 
> nacelle it was in.   There’s a 4.5” circular hole in the cabin wall and 
> interior liner.  Right now I’m covering it temporarily with a teak panel.  
> Longer term I might like to glass in the holes for that and other 
> instruments, and go to more flat-panel electronic instruments.
> So, can anybody advise me on the procedure for re-glassing a 4.5” circular 
> hole in a cabin wall, and liner?  The cabin wall looks to be maybe 3/8” 
> thick, and the liner maybe 3/16” think, both uncored.
> Thank you in advance.
> Cheers,
> Randy Stafford
> S/V Grenadine
> C&C 30 MK I #79
> Ken Caryl, CO
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