Sorry, just saw that you want a spinnaker. I just bought an asym for my
boat.  Precision was a bit less than Doyle but I talked Doyle down in
price  just by stating my budget and that the quote was just too high. Came
in under 3 boat bucks including the launching tube and bag.  Decided to
stay local.  Haven't flown it yet so I am looking forward to that this


On Tue, Mar 16, 2021, 06:06 Nathan Post <> wrote:

> I agree with the local loft sentiment. Precision sails has good prices if
> all you want is a basic sail but everything (reef points, reinforcing,
> better sail cloth, bags, etc) is additional and it adds up. By the time you
> add the features the price was close to what Doyle had to offer here in MA.
> I paid tax but no shipping and got some great sails made right here in New
> England. Also the lofts will usually negotiate on price in my experience
> and match or come close to other quotes for equivalent product.
> Doyle's service was excellent and I could bring my old sail to them so
> they swapped the track slides and everything.
> Nathan
> S/V Wisper
> C&C34
> Lynn, MA
Thanks to all of the subscribers that contributed to the list to help with the 
costs involved.  If you want to show your support to the list - use PayPal to 
send contribution --  Thanks - Stu

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