Re my bow mod - overall, yes I am happy with it. It was a challenge to come
up with a good solution given the limited space and integration with the
forestay and bow chocks (which are now 6" further aft). Drawings are in
onshape if you want to duplicate it or base a new design off of it:
It wasn't cheep to have one off manufactured and anodized (~$2900 in
2020).  It didn't end up fitting perfectly but as each boat is probably a
little different some shims or adjustments are likely par for the course.
Having an anchor roller is very nice!  I would go with the Ronca or
standard Mantus M1 rather than a Mantus M2 if I was to do it again - I was
concerned about the metal loop on top interfering, but I don't think it
actually would be an issue.

The asym tack point works ok and I can jibe it inside but the angle of the
plate (very short bowsprit) isn't ideal as the load is vertical and I just
continued the bow angle up. I ended up adding a high strength screw eye for
the tack block and it isn't far enough forward to clear the pulpit for a
top-down furler which is a shame - using a sock is challenging when it is
windy.  A true bowsprit that extends out several feet straight
forward would be significantly better. I could potentially attach one on
the opposite side from the anchor with a brace further back on the deck.  I
intentionally didn't want to make the boat longer than ~34' as the marina
fees would increase. Probably some sort of retractable bowsprit would be
the way to go (along the lines of what Sailing Uma did).

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