One other thing - on my new boat (a cutter with two furlers) the headsail 
halyards have clutches on the  mast and share a mast-mounted self tailing 
winch.   This makes sense on that boat.  Our c&cs were built for racing 
headsail changes, and my 33-2 as an example, has the now only occasionally used 
furling Genoa halyard led aft.  
I frequently sail singlehanded.   When setting the asymmetrical spinnaker (in 
its sock) or changing headsails solo, it would actually be easier to have at 
least a belay point at the mast, possibly even the winch.  (I’ll leave that to 
you to think through fully)  This would free the cabin top of 3 halyards, 
reduce friction etc etc. 


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> On Mar 30, 2023, at 7:55 PM, CHARLES SCHEAFFER <> wrote:
> I've crewed on several boats where things were hard to operate due to the 
> friction caused by pour installation and zero maintenance.  Some tips I 
> remember:  layout the clutches so the heavily loaded lines line up with the 
> right side (looking forward) of the winch drum, so the winch has the highest 
> leverage and the line has the least friction.  The main halyard and genoa 
> halyard are the highest loads and it's easy to route one halyard to starboard 
> and the other to port so the highest loads are taken care of.   My Barient 
> winches (manuals on Stu's are best oriented so the final 
> driving cog is mated to the outside drum where the line meets the drum. The 
> line then presses the drum against the gear and this helps mesh the gears 
> together in an efficient manor.  You may be able to position the winches 
> close to the companionway so the handles clear the dodger frame.  I used a 
> sheet of thin G-10 and some thickend epoxy to create a flat surface to mount 
> my winches on the curved cabintop.  West Systems has illustrations in their 
> manual which I think is free online.
> Recommend you read the online installation tips from your clutch and winch 
> manufacturers as the distance between clutch and winch are crucial too.  It's 
> all about getting the best performance and longest life from your equipment.  
> Chuck Scheaffer Resolute 1989 C&C 34R, Annapolis
>>> On 03/30/2023 3:49 PM Dave S via CnC-List <> wrote:
>>> Double check the orientation and total operating footprint consumed by the 
>>> line clutches before you proceed, especially if they will live under a 
>>> dodger.  
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Mar 30, 2023, at 2:11 PM, Bob Mann via CnC-List <> 
>>> wrote: 
>>> I did this on my 35-1 (called Mystic).  I used Garhauer too but this one: 
>>> Deck Organizer 30-DO-QBI | Garhauer (  I chose a 
>>> location about even with the front of the mid-boat hatch and angled them so 
>>> the angle to mast was the same as the angle to the clutch.  Check coach 
>>> roof to make sure there's nothing in the way for where the bolts come 
>>> through the deck.  I ended up with one bolt half on a molded edge.  I have 
>>> the plastics caps for hiding the holes, if you want some.
>>> Halyard length needs to be twice deck-to-masthead height + distance back to 
>>> cockpit + about 6 feet.
>>> Bob 
>>>> On 03/30/2023 1:52 PM John McCrea via CnC-List <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello. In the process of moving all my lines from the mast back to the 
>>>> cockpit and wanted to see what others have done. All old winches and deck 
>>>> gear is off. Also, I am going to replace my jib halyards (main, spin and 
>>>> topping lift were already back to the cockpit on old blocks etc) if anyone 
>>>> has an any measurements for the 36-1 halyards to the cockpit please let me 
>>>> know.
>>>> For the new deck hardware.
>>>> I am thinking about using the following:
>>>> Deck Organizer 40-DO-QB | Garhauer (
>>>> Spinlock Mid-Size Boat Deck Organizer | Defender
>>>> Still looking at clutches, want quads and Spinlock/Lewmar/Garhauer have 
>>>> them.
>>>> Bought two used Lewmar 30 ST for each clutch.
>>>> I am thinking I need to get both the deck organizers up near the mast 
>>>> where the winches used to be and the clutch organizers to make sure that 
>>>> the lines are not hitting up against the traveler base.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> John McCrea
>>>> Talisman
>>>> 1979 36-1
>>>> Mystic, CT
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>>>> help me pay the associated bills. Make a contribution at: 
>>>> Thanks for your help. 
>>>> Stu
>>> Please show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and 
>>> help me pay the associated bills.  Make a contribution at: 
>>> Thanks for your help. 
>>> Stu
>> Please show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and 
>> help me pay the associated bills. Make a contribution at: 
>> Thanks for your help. 
>> Stu
Please show your appreciation for this list and the Photo Album site and help 
me pay the associated bills.  Make a contribution at:
Thanks for your help.

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