Michael Jackson, Mind Control Victim?
While we're on the topic of magicians, I'd like to go back to this whole thing 
about Michael Jackson having a 'personal magician'. I mean, I know the dude is 
weird, but let’s just say that doesn’t necessarily justify having a person who 
travels around with you acting as your not tongue-in-cheek personal magician. I 
mean, this guy also 'controls' interviews with Jackson and even speaks on his 
behalf sometimes. 
This character seems to go by the name of Majestic Magnificent, or Majestik 
Magnificent with a 'k' at the end. and he's also been spotted as 'Majestic the 
Magnificent.' An article on the Austin Chronicle goes into more investigative 
depth on the subject. No record seems to exist of Majestic as a professional 
magician besides a mention in a blog in 2003. Also that year, Majestic/k 
intervened during a BBC interview with Jackson's dad:

Majestik then says he will cancel the interview if another question is asked 
about Michael Jackson's nose.
Theroux asks Mr Jackson if he wishes his son had a partner.
When he describes partner as 'boyfriend or girlfriend', Majestik says: 'What 
are you trying to say, that Michael's gay?'
Majestik says the question is disrespectful to Joe Jackson, who later says 'we 
don't believe in gays. I can't stand them.' Mr Jackson then calls an end to the 
In another interview, Majestic/k says that before being Jackson's personal 
magician, he was Muhammad Ali's. Supposedly Majestic/k has been affiliated with 
Jackson since at least 1993. 
And yet so little is known about him. It's extremely suspicious. 
Also extraordinarily weird is that Majestic/k is reportedly part of the reason 
that Jackson is now using Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam as personal 
bodyguards. I'll have to look into this more, but this site says both Majestic 
and the Nation were brought in by Jermaine Jackson. One of the first tidbits I 
found about this aspect of the story actually comes from a Saturday Night Live 
Weekend Update transcript:

According to Magnificent Majestic, Michael Jackson's personal magician, the 
purpose of Michael's recent meetings with the nation of Islam is to insure that 
nobody is taking advantage of him financially. So don’t worry everyone -
 Michael Jackson's personal magician is ensuring that nobody is taking 
advantage of him financially. 
At first I just thought Jackson having a personal assistant was hilarious. Now 
I'm beginning to wonder if there's not more to it than meets the eye. Let's 
examine some more of the facts. First of all, Jackson is currently involved in 
an extremely public trial over child sex abuse. Jackson has maintained his 
innocence throughout. Regular readers of sites like Rigorous Intuition ought to 
be standing up and taking notice at this point. The author of that site, Jeff 
Wells, frequently delves into far out stories about ritual child abuse, and 
also blackmailing powerful public figures by forcing them into compromising 
I know it's a pretty far-out leap for most 'normal' people, but could Majestic 
Magnificent be more than just a 'magician' -
 could he also be some sort of CIA Monarch mind-control handler for Jackson? Is 
there any possibility that Michael Jackson is actually a victim of or 'asset' 
of some occult-intelligence organization? I personally have a hard time 
believing that Jackson is a pedophile
 (check out my archetypal analysis of him and his Peter Pan myth) - 
although if he had alternate personalities covered by layers of trauma, he 
might not even know about it himself. Or, conversely he might have figured it 
out, and trying to overcome it, and reclaim his lost innocence is what drove 
him into the whole Peter Pan fantasy to begin with. Maybe it's all an attempt 
by Jackson to reclaim his inner 'Paperboy'. I know I'm a bit of a weirdo, but 
for some reason, it's more plausible to me that Jackson is a split-personality 
mind-control asset gone haywire than just a celebrity freak who likes to fool 
around with little boys. Maybe that's just a more 'fun' and less creepy 
explanation though. Who knows. 
Anyway, the question of Jackson's involvement with the CIA was first raised to 
me by Garrett. He tracked down a link to the CIA through Jackson's close 
personal friend Uri Geller (who I have another story about in a minute).
 An article on the Scotsman explains a possible Geller-CIA link:

Ronson began his journey into the US armyâ€'s heart of cerebral darkness in 
London, where he got a tip from Uri Geller - the psychic famed for bending 
spoons on TV in the 1970s. 'Under Clinton, the nuttiness was at the fringes but 
the dynamic changed when the Bushes got into power and it felt like the 
nuttiness was now at the core of things,' Ronson tells me at his Soho club. 'So 
I started asking around and then I heard about remote viewers and psychic spies 
and, right here on the roof terrace in this building, Uri Geller told me that 
he'd been ˜re-activated.'
I ask why the US military might have brought Geller back in from the cold. The 
simple answer is that Geller once belonged to an unofficial unit of psychic 
spies, formed in the 1970s to read the future and conduct experiments into the 
supernatural for the US military. Geller’s tip led Ronson to Glenn Wheaton, a 
retired sergeant and former Special Forces psychic spy who confirmed that the 
military funded this unofficial unit. There was more to the psychics, however, 
than trying to “remotely access” Soviet weapons plans or predict China’s next 
move. They were looking at new forms of warfare, including walking through 
walls, adopting a cloak of invisibility, even stopping an animal’s heartbeat 
by staring at it. 
The guy in this quote, Jon Ronson is the author of the new book, The Men Who 
Stare At Goats which is making a bit of a splash among fringe counter-cultural 
groups. Many other sources seem to connect Uri Geller to working for both the 
CIA, FBI, KGB and Mossad at various points in his career. Even a seemingly 
official site of his says:

Mike worked out that Uri would very likely be happy to help out Uncle Sam if 
Uncle Sam helped out Uri. And another thing; he may not have been representing 
CIA policy exactly, but Mike was seriously interested in the possibilities of 
psychic spying, and of Uri doing a little work from the outside looking in at 
the KGB’s building in Mexico City. All in all, he seems to have concluded, Uri 
Geller was a useful asset to the CIA. Not only that, but Mike was fascinated by 
the fact that the Jimmy Carter, who was due to move into the White House in 
January, appeared to be a fan of the paranormal. Could Geller be used to eat 
away at those surrounding Carter and help bring about funding for an official 
paranormal programme at the CIA?
Interesting factoid: Michael Jackson’s 1995 album HIStory included a song 
called “Tabloid Junkie” one of the opening lines of which is:

Speculate to break the one you hate
Circulate the lie you confiscate
Assassinate and mutilate
As the hounding media in hysteria
Who’s the next for you to resurrect
Jfk exposed the cia
Truth be told the grassy knoll
As the blackmail story in all your glory
I know this doesn’t “prove” anything, but it seems noteworthy that Jackson 
mentions exposing the CIA in a line on a popular record. And shortly thereafter 
talks about blackmail. The weirdest part is I didn’t even know this before I 
started writing this post. WHOA! This is even weirder. Apparently also on that 
album is a song called “D.S.” the opening lyrics of which are:

They wanna get my ass
Dead or alive
You know he really tried to take me
Down by surprise
I bet he missioned with the CIA
He don’t do half what he say
Don Standdon is a cold man
Don Standdon is a cold man
Don Standdon is a cold man
Don Standdon is a cold man
There is also a theory circulating online about this song - that it’s actually 
about a District Attorney from Santa Barbara county named Thomas Sneddon. This 
article claims that the Don Standdon mentioned above is actually “Dom S. 
Sheldon” which when sung sounds like “ThomaS Sneddon”. Apparently Sneddon has 
been trying to build a case against Jackson since the 1990’s. Other lyrics 
sites online also confirm the “Dom Sheldon” interpretation, and some even say 
outright “Tom Sneddon.”
I’m also curious about this later line in the song:

Does he send letters to the FBI?
Did he say to either do it or die?
Was Sneddon trying to blackmail Jackson with the child abuse stuff, and then 
Jackson didn’t go for it, so Sneddon launched his trap? To me, the picture 
looks more and more like Jackson began trying to “out” CIA agents in this 
album. Whether it was real or imagined, it’s an extremely creepy connection 
worth investigating more. I don’t actually have or know that album much at all. 
But if anybody could offer a more detailed reading of it with this theory in 
mind, I’d love to read it. Majestic Magnificent seems to have come on the seen 
shortly before Jackson released this album. Was he a last ditch effort by the 
CIA to send somebody in to reign Jackson in again to their control? Maybe 
that’s a flawed direction of research - especially in light of the information 
about the Nation of Islam acting as bodyguards for Jackson. Why would Jackson 
hire basically an ideological para-military force for protection? Who’s he 
afraid of? This shit just gets
 deeper and deeper. 
Thanks to some responses to a posting I did about this on the Rigorous 
Intuition Forum, I tracked down a very very interesting connection. Let me give 
you a little background information first before we go on. After 9/11, there 
was a benefit concert somewhere near Washington, which Michael Jackson was 
invited to play. An LA Times article explains that Jackson was looking for a 
place to stay during this time period:

Jackson’s visit came about as a result of a call from “a friend from the White 
House,” Coe said. The call came from David Kuo, deputy director of the Office 
of Faith-Based Initiatives, who helped put together the United We Stand 
concert. When Kuo learned that Jackson needed a place to stay, he thought of 
Cedars. “It’s a private unknown place that offers anonymity in a peaceful 
environment,” he said. “Part of the whole Fellowship belief is you can help 
people who are down and out by helping people who are up and out.”
The place they are referring to is called Cedars. It is the headquarters of a 
behind-the-scenes Christian Reconstructionist group called the Fellowship, also 
known as the International Foundation. Wayne Madsen’s article, Christian Mafia 
Part II has more about the Fellowship and their dealings. But let’s look first 
at what they say about this place called Cedars. First and foremost we have 
this absolutely juicy tidbit:

According to a senior Pentagon official, the Cedars had been used as a CIA safe 
house prior to the Fellowship’s purchase of the estate.
Now, I don’t know how the CIA works, but I do know that expression: “Once a 
company man, always a company man,” and I suspect the same goes for their 
locations, though they get shuffled around through various front groups. A 
simple real life example: a friend of mine used to be a minor player in the 
Miami club scene some years back. He helped run various venues, and worked 
behind the scenes as a promoter. He told me stories about what happens to clubs 
where bad shit goes down - like a shooting or other high profile crime. 
Everybody gets freaked out and stops going there. So the clubs close down. The 
real owners go through all the paper-work to sell the club, put it under “new” 
ownership and management and then re-open it. But it’s all just 
sleight-of-hand. No real change has been made except in public perception - the 
only kind of change that actually seems to matter. 
Another article has some interesting information about the Fellowship’s other 

The Fellowship (Getter’s preferred label for the group) also has brought 
several notorious, right-wing Latin American generals to Washington for prayer 
meetings — men connected to the torture of civilians and CIA-linked death 
Well, as long as they’re only praying, right? Whew! What a relief!

Getter quotes the group’s long-time leader, Doug Coe, 73, as saying that its 
mission is to establish a “family of friends” around the world by spreading the 
word of Jesus to powerful people: “The people that are involved in this 
association . . . are the worst and the best. Some are total despots. Some are 
totally religious. You can find what you want to find.”
And a supporting quote from the LA Times article:

Coe said the group’s mission is to create a worldwide “family of friends” by 
spreading the words of Jesus to those in power. He believes that people of 
every religion–including Muslims, Jews and Hindus–are swayed by Jesus. If he 
can change leaders’ hearts, he said, then the benefits will flow naturally to 
the oppressed and underprivileged.
So, was Michael Jackson’s stay with this group “purely a matter of convenience” 
or was there more going on here? Just who was that guy who invited Michael to 
stay there again? The Madsen article explains:

According to a September 27, 2002 Los Angeles Times article by Lisa Getter, 
Jackson’s stay at the Cedars was arranged through David Kuo, George W. 
Bush’s White House director of the Office of Faith-based Initiatives. Kuo, a 
former CIA employee who co-wrote a book with Ralph Reed, had been Executive 
Director of the Center for Effective Compassion, founded in 1995 by Arianna 
Huffington and Marvin Olasky. Olasky is a Jewish convert to evangelical 
Christianity, a major Christian reconstructionist proponent, and an ardent 
supporter of George W. Bush. Kuo also previously worked for the Christian 
Coalition and Senator John Ashcroft. 
And there we have it. We started out with magicians and end up with plans by 
Christians to institute theocracy in America. Just what are Jackson’s religious 
views, I’m trying to figure out. I’ve heard he’s a Jehovah’s witness, but I 
also just read he denounced his faith in 1987. Here’s a more elaborate article 
on whether or not he still is one. I guess I’m just wondering what he’s doing 
staying with Christian Reconstructionists one day, and cozying up to the Nation 
of Islam the next. This just gets deeper and deeper still…
ALSO check out my follow-up article to this, The Pied Piper of Neverland!
- END - 


Michael Jackson Occult Paranormal Weird Posts 
Michael Jackson’s Magician 
Jackson’s Bloodbath 
Notes: Romance Regenerates 
Magician Helps Golfer Win

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