Dario Liberman wrote:

>I am having problems Installing cocoon-2.0.3 on top of a fresh jwsdp1_0_01
>and j2sdk1.4_0_01 installation running on a winNT4.0 SP6a

Is it cocoon binary dist or source dist? Are you trying to deploy 
cocoon.war or unpacked webapp? If it is war file, see recent emails 
about manifest file: it must have some additional entries in order to 
deploy Cocoon as a war archive. Try unpacking webapp and deploying it as 
a directory.


>At the page the error shows:
>Cocoon 2 - Internal server error
>type fatal
>message Language Exception
>description :
>org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Language Exception:
>Error compiling sitemap_xmap:
>Line 22, column 49: cannot access class Component; file
>org\apache\avalon\framework\component\Component.class not found Line 23,
>column 53: cannot access class Configurable; file
>....... more description here.......
>I send attached the logs.
>I tried to solve the problem deleting the following files from the war, but
>it seems that it has nothing to do with it:
>Since I was afraid it would interfere somehow with the same libs in the
>jwsdp installation that in fact had the same versions.
>Any ideas?
>Thanks a lot,
>Dario Liberman.
>jwsdp is the Java Web Services Development Pack from SUN.
>The Java Web Services Developer Pack v1.0_01 includes the following:
>    Java XML Pack which includes the following:
>    Java API for XML Messaging (JAXM) v1.1_01
>    Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) v1.2_01 (with XML Schema support)
>    Java API for XML Registries (JAXR) v1.0_02
>    Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC) v1.0_01
>    SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) v1.1_02
>    JavaServer PagesTM Standard Tag Library (JSTL) v1.0.1
>    Java WSDP Registry Server v1.0_02
>    Web Application Deployment Tool
>    Ant Build Tool 1.4.1
>    Apache Tomcat 4.1.2 container

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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