Here is some information about pending updates to the VIAF Linked Data. 


I'm working on before/after diagrams to better explain the differences
and will share them soon. Questions and comments are welcome.




From: Hickey,Thom 
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 12:57 PM
Cc: Young,Jeff (OR)
Subject: VIAF linked data and non-Latin searching


Non-Latin searching:


We believe we have resolved a reoccurring issue with non-Latin searching
failing (it had to do with restarting VIAF in different environments).
If anyone still has issues with this, please let us know.


Linked Data:


We have taken another look at the RDF generated for linked data.  The
attached files show a personal, corporate and geographic (there are few
pure geographic records in VIAF as of yet, but a mixed record such as
Missouri's may be identified as geographic) record rendered in RDF.


We think the new records are both simpler and easier to understand and
use.  The biggest difference is that we have eliminated the
viaf:NameAuthorityCluster that acted as a "record hub". Formerly, this
record hub was responsible for linking to the separately identified
primary entity. In the new record structure, contributed authorities
bypass this record hub and link directly to the primary entity
themselves. The description of the primary entity appears first in the
record inside an rdf:Description element followed by skos:Concept
entries, one for each source file, each of which links back to the
primary entity via foaf:focus.


We have included some deprecated identifiers matching those used in
previous RDF, which may help those processing it as linked data.  For
those simply parsing it as XML and pulling information out of it, we
have switched to fully qualified URIs which should make that easier.


We will probably phase the new RDF in over the next two months.  This
month we will generate both for those getting full dumps of VIAF, then
next month switch both the online and offline versions to the new


For those with suggestions about the new format, this would be an ideal
time to let us know.  If we stay with the schedule outlined above we
have until mid to late May before the new formats are in production.



Attachment: barbara.rdf
Description: barbara.rdf

Attachment: www.rdf
Description: www.rdf

Attachment: missouri.rdf
Description: missouri.rdf

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