There are several people who have told me that they registered twice. There are also people who are on the list of presentations to be voted on at a later date. If those presentations are accepted, then those people get moved from the 'general' registration list to the 'presenters' registration list and thusly would leave spots for 'general' registrants who would be on the wait list.

I am sorry that this is confusing. I certainly am learning how to do it better in the future!

 - E

Elizabeth Duell
Orbis Cascade Alliance
(541) 346-1883

On 11/16/2011 9:28 AM, Frumkin, Jeremy wrote:
Hi Elizabeth -

The message you sent is confusing - could you clarify what you mean by
"there are a multitude of reasons why you will be contacted and be able to
get into code4lib?

-- jaf

Jeremy Frumkin
Assistant Dean / Chief Technology Strategist
University of Arizona Libraries

+1 520.626.7296
Hanlon's Razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately
explained by stupidity"

On 11/16/11 10:01 AM, "Elizabeth Duell"<>  wrote:


Please DO REGISTER for Code4Lib... you will not be directed to
the payment window, but you WILL be put on the wait list.

What good does that do you?

There are a multitude of reasons why you will be contacted and be
able to get into Code4Lib National.

Continue to register and remember...

Keep Calm and Code on!

Elizabeth Duell
Orbis Cascade Alliance
(541) 346-1883

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