> It is a free conference, I will be bring NZ craft beer ... what more
> could you want?

French cheese. And I understand that at Evergreen conferences one can find
Finnish salted licorice, which is quite the conversation starter. But,
folks, probable absence of cheese and near-certain absence of licorice
notwithstanding, you should definitely come. I'll probably even be bringing
homemade cookies to share Thursday or Friday night. I'll consult with Chris
so the cookies will pair well with the beer, in the unlikely event that
there's still beer left by Thursday or Friday.


Jared Camins-Esakov
Bibliographer, C & P Bibliography Services, LLC
(phone) +1 (917) 727-3445
(e-mail) jcam...@cpbibliography.com
(web) http://www.cpbibliography.com/

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