I’ve seen many reviews of article discovery platforms (Ebsco Discovery Service, 
Ex Libris Primo Central, Serials Solutions Summon) before an implementations as 
part of a selection process—typically covering things like content coverage, 
API features, integrability with other content / sites. I have not seen any 
assessments done after an implementation.

- what has usage of the article search been like?
- what is the patron satisfaction with the service?
- has anyone gone from blended results to bento box, or bento box to blended, 
based on feedback?
- has anyone switched from one platform to another?
- knowing what you know now, would you do anything different?

I’m particularly interested in the experiences of libraries who use their own 
front ends (like Blacklight or VUFind), and hit the discovery platform via an 

Does anyone have a report or local experience they can share? On list or 

It would be great to find some shoulders to stand on here. Thanks!

- Tom

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