To leave Commie, hyper to

heikki kiviluoto kirjoitti:

> out of boredom i compiled a list containing 10 worst moments in
> finnish pop music history. 

You want to find shitty finnish music? Try the Suomi-POP
radio channel. If you are tough enough listen that for 
ten minutes, they should give you some real classics. 
(I've always found the consept of that channel somewhat 
puzzling - they play almost anything made in Finland. 
I mean, Kaija Koo, HIM, Markus Kojo, Hector, Flegmaatikot, 
etc...one after another.)

"Poplaulajan vapaapäivä" and "Lennä Nykäsen Matti" would
be in my top ten. Hyi helvetti. Ensimäisessä nyt nimi 
varmaan kertookin kaiken oleellisen.


 -  |\__/|  -      heikki      -
 -  ( oo )  -        @.        - 
 -   \__/   -  greywolves.org  -

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