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The "PerformanceTuning_JP" page has been changed by MakiWatanabe.
The comment on this change is: Translation to Japanese.


  ## page was copied from PerformanceTuning
- = Improving write performance =
-  1. Make sure your commit log and data dirs (sstables) are on different disks.
-  1. There isn't really a step 2.  Writes go into the commitlog (fast) and 
straight into memory (really fast) and can't really be sped up beyond that.
+ = write性能を向上させる方法 =
+  1. commit logとデータディレクトリ(sstables)を異なるディスクに配置して下さい。
+  1. 実はStep 2はありません。Writeはcommit 
- If you're seeing huge latency spikes under write-heavy loads, that's due to 
other factors. It's a 'fix what has gone horribly wrong' problem, not a 'tune 
for better peak performance' problem.
- = Improving read performance =
- Be sure to review the page on [[MemtableThresholds|Memtable Thresholds]] -- 
several important configuration and system settings are described there.
+ = read性能を向上する方法 =
+ まず[[MemtableThresholds|Memtable 
- === Lessen overall system impact of Compactions ===
- To lower compaction priority (thus reducing its impact on the rest of the 
system, and making it take longer), add these options to in 
0.6.3 or later:
+ === Compactionがシステムに与える影響を抑制する ===
  -XX:+UseThreadPriorities \
  -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 \
  -Dcassandra.compaction.priority=1 \
- === Useful JVM options ===
+ === 有用なJVMオプション ===
- -XX:+UseCompressedOops # enables compressed references, reducing memory 
overhead on 64bit JVMs
+ -XX:+UseCompressedOops # Compressed Referenceを有効にし、64bit JVM上でメモリオーバヘッドを減少させます
- See and
 for discussion on the Sun and IBM JVMs, respectively.
- Compressed references (aka OOPs = ordinary object pointers) are not stable 
for Sun JVM versions before 6u19.
+ Sun、IBMのJVMについてはそれぞれ次のURLにおける議論を参照して下さい。
+ Sun JVM 6u19以前のバージョンではCompressed Reference(OOP=Ordinary Object 
- == System Settings ==
- todo: describe how top, iostat -x, and JMX stats can help you see what is 
making things slow
- For starters, see 
Performance Basics for Cassandra]]".
+ == システム設定 ==
+ ToDo: describe how top, iostat -x, and JMX stats can help you see what is 
making things slow
Performance Basics for Cassandra]]"を参照して下さい。

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