diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index b415da5..0000000
--- a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/parquet/ParquetIOSuite.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,436 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.sql.parquet
-import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
-import scala.reflect.ClassTag
-import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
-import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path}
-import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{JobContext, TaskAttemptContext}
-import{Group, GroupWriter}
-import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.api.WriteSupport
-import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.api.WriteSupport.WriteContext
-import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata.{CompressionCodecName, FileMetaData, 
-import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.{Footer, ParquetFileWriter, 
ParquetOutputCommitter, ParquetWriter}
-import org.apache.parquet.schema.{MessageType, MessageTypeParser}
-import org.apache.spark.SparkException
-import org.apache.spark.sql._
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils
-import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
-// Write support class for nested groups: ParquetWriter initializes 
-// with an empty configuration (it is after all not intended to be used in 
this way?)
-// and members are private so we need to make our own in order to pass the 
-// to the writer.
-private[parquet] class TestGroupWriteSupport(schema: MessageType) extends 
WriteSupport[Group] {
-  var groupWriter: GroupWriter = null
-  override def prepareForWrite(recordConsumer: RecordConsumer): Unit = {
-    groupWriter = new GroupWriter(recordConsumer, schema)
-  }
-  override def init(configuration: Configuration): WriteContext = {
-    new WriteContext(schema, new java.util.HashMap[String, String]())
-  }
-  override def write(record: Group) {
-    groupWriter.write(record)
-  }
- * A test suite that tests basic Parquet I/O.
- */
-class ParquetIOSuite extends QueryTest with ParquetTest {
-  lazy val sqlContext = org.apache.spark.sql.test.TestSQLContext
-  import sqlContext.implicits._
-  /**
-   * Writes `data` to a Parquet file, reads it back and check file contents.
-   */
-  protected def checkParquetFile[T <: Product : ClassTag: TypeTag](data: 
Seq[T]): Unit = {
-    withParquetDataFrame(data)(r => checkAnswer(r,
-  }
-  test("basic data types (without binary)") {
-    val data = (1 to 4).map { i =>
-      (i % 2 == 0, i, i.toLong, i.toFloat, i.toDouble)
-    }
-    checkParquetFile(data)
-  }
-  test("raw binary") {
-    val data = (1 to 4).map(i => Tuple1(Array.fill(3)(i.toByte)))
-    withParquetDataFrame(data) { df =>
-      assertResult(",")).sorted) {
-        df.collect().map(_.getAs[Array[Byte]](0).mkString(",")).sorted
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("string") {
-    val data = (1 to 4).map(i => Tuple1(i.toString))
-    // Property spark.sql.parquet.binaryAsString shouldn't affect Parquet 
files written by Spark SQL
-    // as we store Spark SQL schema in the extra metadata.
-  }
-  test("fixed-length decimals") {
-    def makeDecimalRDD(decimal: DecimalType): DataFrame =
-      sqlContext.sparkContext
-        .parallelize(0 to 1000)
-        .map(i => Tuple1(i / 100.0))
-        .toDF()
-        // Parquet doesn't allow column names with spaces, have to add an 
alias here
-        .select($"_1" cast decimal as "dec")
-    for ((precision, scale) <- Seq((5, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (18, 10), (18, 17), 
(19, 0), (38, 37))) {
-      withTempPath { dir =>
-        val data = makeDecimalRDD(DecimalType(precision, scale))
-        data.write.parquet(dir.getCanonicalPath)
-        checkAnswer(, 
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("date type") {
-    def makeDateRDD(): DataFrame =
-      sqlContext.sparkContext
-        .parallelize(0 to 1000)
-        .map(i => Tuple1(DateTimeUtils.toJavaDate(i)))
-        .toDF()
-        .select($"_1")
-    withTempPath { dir =>
-      val data = makeDateRDD()
-      data.write.parquet(dir.getCanonicalPath)
-      checkAnswer(, 
-    }
-  }
-  test("map") {
-    val data = (1 to 4).map(i => Tuple1(Map(i -> s"val_$i")))
-    checkParquetFile(data)
-  }
-  test("array") {
-    val data = (1 to 4).map(i => Tuple1(Seq(i, i + 1)))
-    checkParquetFile(data)
-  }
-  test("array and double") {
-    val data = (1 to 4).map(i => (i.toDouble, Seq(i.toDouble, (i + 
-    checkParquetFile(data)
-  }
-  test("struct") {
-    val data = (1 to 4).map(i => Tuple1((i, s"val_$i")))
-    withParquetDataFrame(data) { df =>
-      // Structs are converted to `Row`s
-      checkAnswer(df, { case Tuple1(struct) =>
-        Row(Row(struct.productIterator.toSeq: _*))
-      })
-    }
-  }
-  test("nested struct with array of array as field") {
-    val data = (1 to 4).map(i => Tuple1((i, Seq(Seq(s"val_$i")))))
-    withParquetDataFrame(data) { df =>
-      // Structs are converted to `Row`s
-      checkAnswer(df, { case Tuple1(struct) =>
-        Row(Row(struct.productIterator.toSeq: _*))
-      })
-    }
-  }
-  test("nested map with struct as value type") {
-    val data = (1 to 4).map(i => Tuple1(Map(i -> (i, s"val_$i"))))
-    withParquetDataFrame(data) { df =>
-      checkAnswer(df, { case Tuple1(m) =>
-        Row(m.mapValues(struct => Row(struct.productIterator.toSeq: _*)))
-      })
-    }
-  }
-  test("nulls") {
-    val allNulls = (
-      null.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Boolean],
-      null.asInstanceOf[Integer],
-      null.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Long],
-      null.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Float],
-      null.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Double])
-    withParquetDataFrame(allNulls :: Nil) { df =>
-      val rows = df.collect()
-      assert(rows.length === 1)
-      assert(rows.head === Row(Seq.fill(5)(null): _*))
-    }
-  }
-  test("nones") {
-    val allNones = (
-      None.asInstanceOf[Option[Int]],
-      None.asInstanceOf[Option[Long]],
-      None.asInstanceOf[Option[String]])
-    withParquetDataFrame(allNones :: Nil) { df =>
-      val rows = df.collect()
-      assert(rows.length === 1)
-      assert(rows.head === Row(Seq.fill(3)(null): _*))
-    }
-  }
-  test("compression codec") {
-    def compressionCodecFor(path: String): String = {
-      val codecs = ParquetTypesConverter
-        .readMetaData(new Path(path), Some(configuration))
-        .getBlocks
-        .flatMap(_.getColumns)
-        .map(
-        .distinct
-      assert(codecs.size === 1)
-      codecs.head
-    }
-    val data = (0 until 10).map(i => (i, i.toString))
-    def checkCompressionCodec(codec: CompressionCodecName): Unit = {
-      withSQLConf(SQLConf.PARQUET_COMPRESSION.key -> {
-        withParquetFile(data) { path =>
-          assertResult(sqlContext.conf.parquetCompressionCodec.toUpperCase) {
-            compressionCodecFor(path)
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Checks default compression codec
-    checkCompressionCodec(CompressionCodecName.UNCOMPRESSED)
-    checkCompressionCodec(CompressionCodecName.GZIP)
-    checkCompressionCodec(CompressionCodecName.SNAPPY)
-  }
-  test("read raw Parquet file") {
-    def makeRawParquetFile(path: Path): Unit = {
-      val schema = MessageTypeParser.parseMessageType(
-        """
-          |message root {
-          |  required boolean _1;
-          |  required int32   _2;
-          |  required int64   _3;
-          |  required float   _4;
-          |  required double  _5;
-          |}
-        """.stripMargin)
-      val writeSupport = new TestGroupWriteSupport(schema)
-      val writer = new ParquetWriter[Group](path, writeSupport)
-      (0 until 10).foreach { i =>
-        val record = new SimpleGroup(schema)
-        record.add(0, i % 2 == 0)
-        record.add(1, i)
-        record.add(2, i.toLong)
-        record.add(3, i.toFloat)
-        record.add(4, i.toDouble)
-        writer.write(record)
-      }
-      writer.close()
-    }
-    withTempDir { dir =>
-      val path = new Path(dir.toURI.toString, "part-r-0.parquet")
-      makeRawParquetFile(path)
-      checkAnswer(, (0 until 10).map { i 
-        Row(i % 2 == 0, i, i.toLong, i.toFloat, i.toDouble)
-      })
-    }
-  }
-  test("write metadata") {
-    withTempPath { file =>
-      val path = new Path(file.toURI.toString)
-      val fs = FileSystem.getLocal(configuration)
-      val attributes = ScalaReflection.attributesFor[(Int, String)]
-      ParquetTypesConverter.writeMetaData(attributes, path, configuration)
-      assert(fs.exists(new Path(path, 
-      assert(fs.exists(new Path(path, 
-      val metaData = ParquetTypesConverter.readMetaData(path, 
-      val actualSchema = metaData.getFileMetaData.getSchema
-      val expectedSchema = 
-      actualSchema.checkContains(expectedSchema)
-      expectedSchema.checkContains(actualSchema)
-    }
-  }
-  test("save - overwrite") {
-    withParquetFile((1 to 10).map(i => (i, i.toString))) { file =>
-      val newData = (11 to 20).map(i => (i, i.toString))
-      checkAnswer(,
-    }
-  }
-  test("save - ignore") {
-    val data = (1 to 10).map(i => (i, i.toString))
-    withParquetFile(data) { file =>
-      val newData = (11 to 20).map(i => (i, i.toString))
-      newData.toDF().write.format("parquet").mode(SaveMode.Ignore).save(file)
-      checkAnswer(,
-    }
-  }
-  test("save - throw") {
-    val data = (1 to 10).map(i => (i, i.toString))
-    withParquetFile(data) { file =>
-      val newData = (11 to 20).map(i => (i, i.toString))
-      val errorMessage = intercept[Throwable] {
-      }.getMessage
-      assert(errorMessage.contains("already exists"))
-    }
-  }
-  test("save - append") {
-    val data = (1 to 10).map(i => (i, i.toString))
-    withParquetFile(data) { file =>
-      val newData = (11 to 20).map(i => (i, i.toString))
-      newData.toDF().write.format("parquet").mode(SaveMode.Append).save(file)
-      checkAnswer(, (data ++ 
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-6315 regression test") {
-    // Spark 1.1 and prior versions write Spark schema as case class string 
into Parquet metadata.
-    // This has been deprecated by JSON format since 1.2.  Notice that, 1.3 
further refactored data
-    // types API, and made StructType.fields an array.  This makes the result 
of StructType.toString
-    // different from prior versions: there's no "Seq" wrapping the fields 
part in the string now.
-    val sparkSchema =
-    // The Parquet schema is intentionally made different from the Spark 
schema.  Because the new
-    // Parquet data source simply falls back to the Parquet schema once it 
fails to parse the Spark
-    // schema.  By making these two different, we are able to assert the old 
style case class string
-    // is parsed successfully.
-    val parquetSchema = MessageTypeParser.parseMessageType(
-      """message root {
-        |  required int32 c;
-        |}
-      """.stripMargin)
-    withTempPath { location =>
-      val extraMetadata = Map(CatalystReadSupport.SPARK_METADATA_KEY -> 
-      val fileMetadata = new FileMetaData(parquetSchema, extraMetadata, 
-      val path = new Path(location.getCanonicalPath)
-      ParquetFileWriter.writeMetadataFile(
-        sqlContext.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration,
-        path,
-        new Footer(path, new ParquetMetadata(fileMetadata, Nil)) :: Nil)
-      assertResult( {
-        StructType(
-          StructField("a", BooleanType, nullable = false) ::
-          StructField("b", IntegerType, nullable = false) ::
-          Nil)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-6352 DirectParquetOutputCommitter") {
-    val clonedConf = new Configuration(configuration)
-    // Write to a parquet file and let it fail.
-    // _temporary should be missing if direct output committer works.
-    try {
-      configuration.set("spark.sql.parquet.output.committer.class",
-        "org.apache.spark.sql.parquet.DirectParquetOutputCommitter")
-      sqlContext.udf.register("div0", (x: Int) => x / 0)
-      withTempPath { dir =>
-        intercept[org.apache.spark.SparkException] {
-          sqlContext.sql("select div0(1)").write.parquet(dir.getCanonicalPath)
-        }
-        val path = new Path(dir.getCanonicalPath, "_temporary")
-        val fs = path.getFileSystem(configuration)
-        assert(!fs.exists(path))
-      }
-    } finally {
-      // Hadoop 1 doesn't have `Configuration.unset`
-      configuration.clear()
-      clonedConf.foreach(entry => configuration.set(entry.getKey, 
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-8121: spark.sql.parquet.output.committer.class shouldn't be 
overriden") {
-    withTempPath { dir =>
-      val clonedConf = new Configuration(configuration)
-      configuration.set(
-      configuration.set(
-        "spark.sql.parquet.output.committer.class",
-        classOf[BogusParquetOutputCommitter].getCanonicalName)
-      try {
-        val message = intercept[SparkException] {
-          sqlContext.range(0, 1).write.parquet(dir.getCanonicalPath)
-        }.getCause.getMessage
-        assert(message === "Intentional exception for testing purposes")
-      } finally {
-        // Hadoop 1 doesn't have `Configuration.unset`
-        configuration.clear()
-        clonedConf.foreach(entry => configuration.set(entry.getKey, 
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-6330 regression test") {
-    // In 1.3.0, save to fs other than file: without configuring core-site.xml 
would get:
-    // IllegalArgumentException: Wrong FS: hdfs://..., expected: file:///
-    intercept[Throwable] {
-    }
-    val errorMessage = intercept[Throwable] {
-    }.toString
-    assert(errorMessage.contains("UnknownHostException"))
-  }
-class BogusParquetOutputCommitter(outputPath: Path, context: 
-  extends ParquetOutputCommitter(outputPath, context) {
-  override def commitJob(jobContext: JobContext): Unit = {
-    sys.error("Intentional exception for testing purposes")
-  }
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 2eef101..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,602 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.sql.parquet
-import java.math.BigInteger
-import java.sql.Timestamp
-import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Literal
-import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{LogicalRelation, 
PartitionSpec, Partition, PartitioningUtils}
-import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
-import org.apache.spark.sql._
-import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
-import PartitioningUtils._
-// The data where the partitioning key exists only in the directory structure.
-case class ParquetData(intField: Int, stringField: String)
-// The data that also includes the partitioning key
-case class ParquetDataWithKey(intField: Int, pi: Int, stringField: String, ps: 
-class ParquetPartitionDiscoverySuite extends QueryTest with ParquetTest {
-  override lazy val sqlContext: SQLContext = 
-  import sqlContext.implicits._
-  import sqlContext.sql
-  val defaultPartitionName = "__HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITION__"
-  test("column type inference") {
-    def check(raw: String, literal: Literal): Unit = {
-      assert(inferPartitionColumnValue(raw, defaultPartitionName, true) === 
-    }
-    check("10", Literal.create(10, IntegerType))
-    check("1000000000000000", Literal.create(1000000000000000L, LongType))
-    check("1.5", Literal.create(1.5, DoubleType))
-    check("hello", Literal.create("hello", StringType))
-    check(defaultPartitionName, Literal.create(null, NullType))
-  }
-  test("parse partition") {
-    def check(path: String, expected: Option[PartitionValues]): Unit = {
-      assert(expected === parsePartition(new Path(path), defaultPartitionName, 
-    }
-    def checkThrows[T <: Throwable: Manifest](path: String, expected: String): 
Unit = {
-      val message = intercept[T] {
-        parsePartition(new Path(path), defaultPartitionName, true).get
-      }.getMessage
-      assert(message.contains(expected))
-    }
-    check("file://path/a=10", Some {
-      PartitionValues(
-        ArrayBuffer("a"),
-        ArrayBuffer(Literal.create(10, IntegerType)))
-    })
-    check("file://path/a=10/b=hello/c=1.5", Some {
-      PartitionValues(
-        ArrayBuffer("a", "b", "c"),
-        ArrayBuffer(
-          Literal.create(10, IntegerType),
-          Literal.create("hello", StringType),
-          Literal.create(1.5, DoubleType)))
-    })
-    check("file://path/a=10/b_hello/c=1.5", Some {
-      PartitionValues(
-        ArrayBuffer("c"),
-        ArrayBuffer(Literal.create(1.5, DoubleType)))
-    })
-    check("file:///", None)
-    check("file:///path/_temporary", None)
-    check("file:///path/_temporary/c=1.5", None)
-    check("file:///path/_temporary/path", None)
-    check("file://path/a=10/_temporary/c=1.5", None)
-    check("file://path/a=10/c=1.5/_temporary", None)
-    checkThrows[AssertionError]("file://path/=10", "Empty partition column 
-    checkThrows[AssertionError]("file://path/a=", "Empty partition column 
-  }
-  test("parse partitions") {
-    def check(paths: Seq[String], spec: PartitionSpec): Unit = {
-      assert(parsePartitions( Path(_)), defaultPartitionName, 
true) === spec)
-    }
-    check(Seq(
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=hello"),
-      PartitionSpec(
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("a", IntegerType),
-          StructField("b", StringType))),
-        Seq(Partition(InternalRow(10, UTF8String.fromString("hello")),
-          "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=hello"))))
-    check(Seq(
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=20",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=hello"),
-      PartitionSpec(
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("a", DoubleType),
-          StructField("b", StringType))),
-        Seq(
-          Partition(InternalRow(10, UTF8String.fromString("20")),
-            "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=20"),
-          Partition(InternalRow(10.5, UTF8String.fromString("hello")),
-            "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=hello"))))
-    check(Seq(
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/_temporary",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=20",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=hello",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/_temporary",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/_TeMpOrArY",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=hello/_temporary",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=hello/_TEMPORARY",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/_temporary/path",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=11/_temporary/path",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=world/_temporary/path"),
-      PartitionSpec(
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("a", DoubleType),
-          StructField("b", StringType))),
-        Seq(
-          Partition(InternalRow(10, UTF8String.fromString("20")),
-            "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=20"),
-          Partition(InternalRow(10.5, UTF8String.fromString("hello")),
-            "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=hello"))))
-    check(Seq(
-      s"hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=20",
-      s"hdfs://host:9000/path/a=$defaultPartitionName/b=hello"),
-      PartitionSpec(
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("a", IntegerType),
-          StructField("b", StringType))),
-        Seq(
-          Partition(InternalRow(10, UTF8String.fromString("20")),
-            s"hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=20"),
-          Partition(InternalRow(null, UTF8String.fromString("hello")),
-            s"hdfs://host:9000/path/a=$defaultPartitionName/b=hello"))))
-    check(Seq(
-      s"hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=$defaultPartitionName",
-      s"hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=$defaultPartitionName"),
-      PartitionSpec(
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("a", DoubleType),
-          StructField("b", StringType))),
-        Seq(
-          Partition(InternalRow(10, null), 
-          Partition(InternalRow(10.5, null),
-            s"hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=$defaultPartitionName"))))
-    check(Seq(
-      s"hdfs://host:9000/path1",
-      s"hdfs://host:9000/path2"),
-      PartitionSpec.emptySpec)
-  }
-  test("parse partitions with type inference disabled") {
-    def check(paths: Seq[String], spec: PartitionSpec): Unit = {
-      assert(parsePartitions( Path(_)), defaultPartitionName, 
false) === spec)
-    }
-    check(Seq(
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=hello"),
-      PartitionSpec(
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("a", StringType),
-          StructField("b", StringType))),
-        Seq(Partition(InternalRow(UTF8String.fromString("10"), 
-          "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=hello"))))
-    check(Seq(
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=20",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=hello"),
-      PartitionSpec(
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("a", StringType),
-          StructField("b", StringType))),
-        Seq(
-          Partition(InternalRow(UTF8String.fromString("10"), 
-            "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=20"),
-          Partition(InternalRow(UTF8String.fromString("10.5"), 
-            "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=hello"))))
-    check(Seq(
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/_temporary",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=20",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=hello",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/_temporary",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/_TeMpOrArY",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=hello/_temporary",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=hello/_TEMPORARY",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/_temporary/path",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=11/_temporary/path",
-      "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=world/_temporary/path"),
-      PartitionSpec(
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("a", StringType),
-          StructField("b", StringType))),
-        Seq(
-          Partition(InternalRow(UTF8String.fromString("10"), 
-            "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=20"),
-          Partition(InternalRow(UTF8String.fromString("10.5"), 
-            "hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=hello"))))
-    check(Seq(
-      s"hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=20",
-      s"hdfs://host:9000/path/a=$defaultPartitionName/b=hello"),
-      PartitionSpec(
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("a", StringType),
-          StructField("b", StringType))),
-        Seq(
-          Partition(InternalRow(UTF8String.fromString("10"), 
-            s"hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=20"),
-          Partition(InternalRow(null, UTF8String.fromString("hello")),
-            s"hdfs://host:9000/path/a=$defaultPartitionName/b=hello"))))
-    check(Seq(
-      s"hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=$defaultPartitionName",
-      s"hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=$defaultPartitionName"),
-      PartitionSpec(
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("a", StringType),
-          StructField("b", StringType))),
-        Seq(
-          Partition(InternalRow(UTF8String.fromString("10"), null),
-            s"hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10/b=$defaultPartitionName"),
-          Partition(InternalRow(UTF8String.fromString("10.5"), null),
-            s"hdfs://host:9000/path/a=10.5/b=$defaultPartitionName"))))
-    check(Seq(
-      s"hdfs://host:9000/path1",
-      s"hdfs://host:9000/path2"),
-      PartitionSpec.emptySpec)
-  }
-  test("read partitioned table - normal case") {
-    withTempDir { base =>
-      for {
-        pi <- Seq(1, 2)
-        ps <- Seq("foo", "bar")
-      } {
-        val dir = makePartitionDir(base, defaultPartitionName, "pi" -> pi, 
"ps" -> ps)
-        makeParquetFile(
-          (1 to 10).map(i => ParquetData(i, i.toString)),
-          dir)
-        // Introduce _temporary dir to test the robustness of the schema 
discovery process.
-        new File(dir.toString, "_temporary").mkdir()
-      }
-      // Introduce _temporary dir to the base dir the robustness of the schema 
discovery process.
-      new File(base.getCanonicalPath, "_temporary").mkdir()
-      withTempTable("t") {
-        checkAnswer(
-          sql("SELECT * FROM t"),
-          for {
-            i <- 1 to 10
-            pi <- Seq(1, 2)
-            ps <- Seq("foo", "bar")
-          } yield Row(i, i.toString, pi, ps))
-        checkAnswer(
-          sql("SELECT intField, pi FROM t"),
-          for {
-            i <- 1 to 10
-            pi <- Seq(1, 2)
-            _ <- Seq("foo", "bar")
-          } yield Row(i, pi))
-        checkAnswer(
-          sql("SELECT * FROM t WHERE pi = 1"),
-          for {
-            i <- 1 to 10
-            ps <- Seq("foo", "bar")
-          } yield Row(i, i.toString, 1, ps))
-        checkAnswer(
-          sql("SELECT * FROM t WHERE ps = 'foo'"),
-          for {
-            i <- 1 to 10
-            pi <- Seq(1, 2)
-          } yield Row(i, i.toString, pi, "foo"))
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("read partitioned table - partition key included in Parquet file") {
-    withTempDir { base =>
-      for {
-        pi <- Seq(1, 2)
-        ps <- Seq("foo", "bar")
-      } {
-        makeParquetFile(
-          (1 to 10).map(i => ParquetDataWithKey(i, pi, i.toString, ps)),
-          makePartitionDir(base, defaultPartitionName, "pi" -> pi, "ps" -> ps))
-      }
-      withTempTable("t") {
-        checkAnswer(
-          sql("SELECT * FROM t"),
-          for {
-            i <- 1 to 10
-            pi <- Seq(1, 2)
-            ps <- Seq("foo", "bar")
-          } yield Row(i, pi, i.toString, ps))
-        checkAnswer(
-          sql("SELECT intField, pi FROM t"),
-          for {
-            i <- 1 to 10
-            pi <- Seq(1, 2)
-            _ <- Seq("foo", "bar")
-          } yield Row(i, pi))
-        checkAnswer(
-          sql("SELECT * FROM t WHERE pi = 1"),
-          for {
-            i <- 1 to 10
-            ps <- Seq("foo", "bar")
-          } yield Row(i, 1, i.toString, ps))
-        checkAnswer(
-          sql("SELECT * FROM t WHERE ps = 'foo'"),
-          for {
-            i <- 1 to 10
-            pi <- Seq(1, 2)
-          } yield Row(i, pi, i.toString, "foo"))
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("read partitioned table - with nulls") {
-    withTempDir { base =>
-      for {
-        // Must be `Integer` rather than `Int` here. `null.asInstanceOf[Int]` 
results in a zero...
-        pi <- Seq(1, null.asInstanceOf[Integer])
-        ps <- Seq("foo", null.asInstanceOf[String])
-      } {
-        makeParquetFile(
-          (1 to 10).map(i => ParquetData(i, i.toString)),
-          makePartitionDir(base, defaultPartitionName, "pi" -> pi, "ps" -> ps))
-      }
-      val parquetRelation ="parquet").load(base.getCanonicalPath)
-      parquetRelation.registerTempTable("t")
-      withTempTable("t") {
-        checkAnswer(
-          sql("SELECT * FROM t"),
-          for {
-            i <- 1 to 10
-            pi <- Seq(1, null.asInstanceOf[Integer])
-            ps <- Seq("foo", null.asInstanceOf[String])
-          } yield Row(i, i.toString, pi, ps))
-        checkAnswer(
-          sql("SELECT * FROM t WHERE pi IS NULL"),
-          for {
-            i <- 1 to 10
-            ps <- Seq("foo", null.asInstanceOf[String])
-          } yield Row(i, i.toString, null, ps))
-        checkAnswer(
-          sql("SELECT * FROM t WHERE ps IS NULL"),
-          for {
-            i <- 1 to 10
-            pi <- Seq(1, null.asInstanceOf[Integer])
-          } yield Row(i, i.toString, pi, null))
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("read partitioned table - with nulls and partition keys are included in 
Parquet file") {
-    withTempDir { base =>
-      for {
-        pi <- Seq(1, 2)
-        ps <- Seq("foo", null.asInstanceOf[String])
-      } {
-        makeParquetFile(
-          (1 to 10).map(i => ParquetDataWithKey(i, pi, i.toString, ps)),
-          makePartitionDir(base, defaultPartitionName, "pi" -> pi, "ps" -> ps))
-      }
-      val parquetRelation ="parquet").load(base.getCanonicalPath)
-      parquetRelation.registerTempTable("t")
-      withTempTable("t") {
-        checkAnswer(
-          sql("SELECT * FROM t"),
-          for {
-            i <- 1 to 10
-            pi <- Seq(1, 2)
-            ps <- Seq("foo", null.asInstanceOf[String])
-          } yield Row(i, pi, i.toString, ps))
-        checkAnswer(
-          sql("SELECT * FROM t WHERE ps IS NULL"),
-          for {
-            i <- 1 to 10
-            pi <- Seq(1, 2)
-          } yield Row(i, pi, i.toString, null))
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("read partitioned table - merging compatible schemas") {
-    withTempDir { base =>
-      makeParquetFile(
-        (1 to 10).map(i => Tuple1(i)).toDF("intField"),
-        makePartitionDir(base, defaultPartitionName, "pi" -> 1))
-      makeParquetFile(
-        (1 to 10).map(i => (i, i.toString)).toDF("intField", "stringField"),
-        makePartitionDir(base, defaultPartitionName, "pi" -> 2))
-      sqlContext
-        .read
-        .option("mergeSchema", "true")
-        .format("parquet")
-        .load(base.getCanonicalPath)
-        .registerTempTable("t")
-      withTempTable("t") {
-        checkAnswer(
-          sql("SELECT * FROM t"),
-          (1 to 10).map(i => Row(i, null, 1)) ++ (1 to 10).map(i => Row(i, 
i.toString, 2)))
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-7749 Non-partitioned table should have empty partition spec") {
-    withTempPath { dir =>
-      (1 to 10).map(i => (i, i.toString)).toDF("a", 
-      val queryExecution =
-      queryExecution.analyzed.collectFirst {
-        case LogicalRelation(relation: ParquetRelation) =>
-          assert(relation.partitionSpec === PartitionSpec.emptySpec)
-      }.getOrElse {
-        fail(s"Expecting a ParquetRelation2, but got:\n$queryExecution")
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-7847: Dynamic partition directory path escaping and unescaping") 
-    withTempPath { dir =>
-      val df = Seq("/", "[]", "?")"i", "s")
-      df.write.format("parquet").partitionBy("s").save(dir.getCanonicalPath)
-      checkAnswer(, df.collect())
-    }
-  }
-  test("Various partition value types") {
-    val row =
-      Row(
-        100.toByte,
-        40000.toShort,
-        Int.MaxValue,
-        Long.MaxValue,
-        1.5.toFloat,
-        4.5,
-        new java.math.BigDecimal(new BigInteger("212500"), 5),
-        new java.math.BigDecimal(2.125),
-        java.sql.Date.valueOf("2015-05-23"),
-        new Timestamp(0),
-        "This is a string, /[]?=:",
-        "This is not a partition column")
-    // BooleanType is not supported yet
-    val partitionColumnTypes =
-      Seq(
-        ByteType,
-        ShortType,
-        IntegerType,
-        LongType,
-        FloatType,
-        DoubleType,
-        DecimalType(10, 5),
-        DecimalType.SYSTEM_DEFAULT,
-        DateType,
-        TimestampType,
-        StringType)
-    val partitionColumns = {
-      case (t, index) => StructField(s"p_$index", t)
-    }
-    val schema = StructType(partitionColumns :+ StructField(s"i", StringType))
-    val df = 
sqlContext.createDataFrame(sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(row :: Nil), 
-    withTempPath { dir =>
-      df.write.format("parquet").partitionBy( 
-      val fields = => Column(
-      checkAnswer( _*), row)
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-8037: Ignores files whose name starts with dot") {
-    withTempPath { dir =>
-      val df = (1 to 3).map(i => (i, i, i, i)).toDF("a", "b", "c", "d")
-      df.write
-        .format("parquet")
-        .partitionBy("b", "c", "d")
-        .save(dir.getCanonicalPath)
-      Files.touch(new File(s"${dir.getCanonicalPath}/b=1", ".DS_Store"))
-      Files.createParentDirs(new 
checkAnswer("parquet").load(dir.getCanonicalPath), df)
-    }
-  }
-  test("listConflictingPartitionColumns") {
-    def makeExpectedMessage(colNameLists: Seq[String], paths: Seq[String]): 
String = {
-      val conflictingColNameLists = { case 
(list, index) =>
-        s"\tPartition column name list #$index: $list"
-      }.mkString("\n", "\n", "\n")
-      // scalastyle:off
-      s"""Conflicting partition column names detected:
-         |$conflictingColNameLists
-         |For partitioned table directories, data files should only live in 
leaf directories.
-         |And directories at the same level should have the same partition 
column name.
-         |Please check the following directories for unexpected files or 
inconsistent partition column names:
-         |${"\t" + _).mkString("\n", "\n", "")}
-       """.stripMargin.trim
-      // scalastyle:on
-    }
-    assert(
-      listConflictingPartitionColumns(
-        Seq(
-          (new Path("file:/tmp/foo/a=1"), PartitionValues(Seq("a"), 
-          (new Path("file:/tmp/foo/b=1"), PartitionValues(Seq("b"), 
Seq(Literal(1)))))).trim ===
-        makeExpectedMessage(Seq("a", "b"), Seq("file:/tmp/foo/a=1", 
-    assert(
-      listConflictingPartitionColumns(
-        Seq(
-          (new Path("file:/tmp/foo/a=1/_temporary"), PartitionValues(Seq("a"), 
-          (new Path("file:/tmp/foo/a=1"), PartitionValues(Seq("a"), 
Seq(Literal(1)))))).trim ===
-        makeExpectedMessage(
-          Seq("a"),
-          Seq("file:/tmp/foo/a=1/_temporary", "file:/tmp/foo/a=1")))
-    assert(
-      listConflictingPartitionColumns(
-        Seq(
-          (new Path("file:/tmp/foo/a=1"),
-            PartitionValues(Seq("a"), Seq(Literal(1)))),
-          (new Path("file:/tmp/foo/a=1/b=foo"),
-            PartitionValues(Seq("a", "b"), Seq(Literal(1), 
Literal("foo")))))).trim ===
-        makeExpectedMessage(
-          Seq("a", "a, b"),
-          Seq("file:/tmp/foo/a=1", "file:/tmp/foo/a=1/b=foo")))
-  }
-  test("Parallel partition discovery") {
-    withTempPath { dir =>
-        val path = dir.getCanonicalPath
-        val df = sqlContext.range(5).select('id as 'a, 'id as 'b, 'id as 
-        df.write.partitionBy("b", "c").parquet(path)
-        checkAnswer(, df)
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c65a8e..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.sql.parquet
-import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
-import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
-import org.apache.spark.sql.{QueryTest, Row, SQLConf}
-import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
- * A test suite that tests various Parquet queries.
- */
-class ParquetQuerySuite extends QueryTest with ParquetTest {
-  lazy val sqlContext = org.apache.spark.sql.test.TestSQLContext
-  import sqlContext.sql
-  test("simple select queries") {
-    withParquetTable((0 until 10).map(i => (i, i.toString)), "t") {
-      checkAnswer(sql("SELECT _1 FROM t where t._1 > 5"), (6 until 
-      checkAnswer(sql("SELECT _1 FROM t as tmp where tmp._1 < 5"), (0 until 
-    }
-  }
-  test("appending") {
-    val data = (0 until 10).map(i => (i, i.toString))
-    sqlContext.createDataFrame(data).toDF("c1", "c2").registerTempTable("tmp")
-    withParquetTable(data, "t") {
-      sql("INSERT INTO TABLE t SELECT * FROM tmp")
-      checkAnswer(sqlContext.table("t"), (data ++ data).map(Row.fromTuple))
-    }
-    sqlContext.catalog.unregisterTable(Seq("tmp"))
-  }
-  test("overwriting") {
-    val data = (0 until 10).map(i => (i, i.toString))
-    sqlContext.createDataFrame(data).toDF("c1", "c2").registerTempTable("tmp")
-    withParquetTable(data, "t") {
-      checkAnswer(sqlContext.table("t"),
-    }
-    sqlContext.catalog.unregisterTable(Seq("tmp"))
-  }
-  test("self-join") {
-    // 4 rows, cells of column 1 of row 2 and row 4 are null
-    val data = (1 to 4).map { i =>
-      val maybeInt = if (i % 2 == 0) None else Some(i)
-      (maybeInt, i.toString)
-    }
-    withParquetTable(data, "t") {
-      val selfJoin = sql("SELECT * FROM t x JOIN t y WHERE x._1 = y._1")
-      val queryOutput = selfJoin.queryExecution.analyzed.output
-      assertResult(4, "Field count mismatches")(queryOutput.size)
-      assertResult(2, "Duplicated expression ID in query plan:\n $selfJoin") {
-        queryOutput.filter( == "_1").map(_.exprId).size
-      }
-      checkAnswer(selfJoin, List(Row(1, "1", 1, "1"), Row(3, "3", 3, "3")))
-    }
-  }
-  test("nested data - struct with array field") {
-    val data = (1 to 10).map(i => Tuple1((i, Seq("val_$i"))))
-    withParquetTable(data, "t") {
-      checkAnswer(sql("SELECT _1._2[0] FROM t"), {
-        case Tuple1((_, Seq(string))) => Row(string)
-      })
-    }
-  }
-  test("nested data - array of struct") {
-    val data = (1 to 10).map(i => Tuple1(Seq(i -> "val_$i")))
-    withParquetTable(data, "t") {
-      checkAnswer(sql("SELECT _1[0]._2 FROM t"), {
-        case Tuple1(Seq((_, string))) => Row(string)
-      })
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-1913 regression: columns only referenced by pushed down filters 
should remain") {
-    withParquetTable((1 to 10).map(Tuple1.apply), "t") {
-      checkAnswer(sql("SELECT _1 FROM t WHERE _1 < 10"), (1 to 
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-5309 strings stored using dictionary compression in parquet") {
-    withParquetTable((0 until 1000).map(i => ("same", "run_" + i /100, 1)), 
"t") {
-      checkAnswer(sql("SELECT _1, _2, SUM(_3) FROM t GROUP BY _1, _2"),
-        (0 until 10).map(i => Row("same", "run_" + i, 100)))
-      checkAnswer(sql("SELECT _1, _2, SUM(_3) FROM t WHERE _2 = 'run_5' GROUP 
BY _1, _2"),
-        List(Row("same", "run_5", 100)))
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-6917 DecimalType should work with non-native types") {
-    val data = (1 to 10).map(i => Row(Decimal(i, 18, 0), new 
-    val schema = StructType(List(StructField("d", DecimalType(18, 0), false),
-      StructField("time", TimestampType, false)).toArray)
-    withTempPath { file =>
-      val df = 
sqlContext.createDataFrame(sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(data), schema)
-      df.write.parquet(file.getCanonicalPath)
-      val df2 =
-      checkAnswer(df2, df.collect().toSeq)
-    }
-  }
-  test("Enabling/disabling merging partfiles when merging parquet schema") {
-    def testSchemaMerging(expectedColumnNumber: Int): Unit = {
-      withTempDir { dir =>
-        val basePath = dir.getCanonicalPath
-        sqlContext.range(0, 10).toDF("a").write.parquet(new Path(basePath, 
-        sqlContext.range(0, 10).toDF("b").write.parquet(new Path(basePath, 
-        // delete summary files, so if we don't merge part-files, one column 
will not be included.
-        Utils.deleteRecursively(new File(basePath + "/foo=1/_metadata"))
-        Utils.deleteRecursively(new File(basePath + "/foo=1/_common_metadata"))
-        assert( === 
-      }
-    }
-    withSQLConf(SQLConf.PARQUET_SCHEMA_MERGING_ENABLED.key -> "true",
-      testSchemaMerging(2)
-    }
-    withSQLConf(SQLConf.PARQUET_SCHEMA_MERGING_ENABLED.key -> "true",
-      testSchemaMerging(3)
-    }
-  }
-  test("Enabling/disabling schema merging") {
-    def testSchemaMerging(expectedColumnNumber: Int): Unit = {
-      withTempDir { dir =>
-        val basePath = dir.getCanonicalPath
-        sqlContext.range(0, 10).toDF("a").write.parquet(new Path(basePath, 
-        sqlContext.range(0, 10).toDF("b").write.parquet(new Path(basePath, 
-        assert( === 
-      }
-    }
-    withSQLConf(SQLConf.PARQUET_SCHEMA_MERGING_ENABLED.key -> "true") {
-      testSchemaMerging(3)
-    }
-    withSQLConf(SQLConf.PARQUET_SCHEMA_MERGING_ENABLED.key -> "false") {
-      testSchemaMerging(2)
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-8990 DataFrameReader.parquet() should respect user specified 
options") {
-    withTempPath { dir =>
-      val basePath = dir.getCanonicalPath
-      sqlContext.range(0, 10).toDF("a").write.parquet(new Path(basePath, 
-      sqlContext.range(0, 10).toDF("b").write.parquet(new Path(basePath, 
-      // Disables the global SQL option for schema merging
-      withSQLConf(SQLConf.PARQUET_SCHEMA_MERGING_ENABLED.key -> "false") {
-        assertResult(2) {
-          // Disables schema merging via data source option
-        }
-        assertResult(3) {
-          // Enables schema merging via data source option
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  test("SPARK-9119 Decimal should be correctly written into parquet") {
-    withTempPath { dir =>
-      val basePath = dir.getCanonicalPath
-      val schema = StructType(Array(StructField("name", DecimalType(10, 5), 
-      val rowRDD = 
-      val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRDD, schema)
-      df.write.parquet(basePath)
-      val decimal =
-      assert(Decimal("67123.45") === Decimal(decimal))
-    }
-  }
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a0b3b6..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,916 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.sql.parquet
-import scala.reflect.ClassTag
-import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
-import org.apache.parquet.schema.MessageTypeParser
-import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
-import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection
-import org.apache.spark.sql.test.TestSQLContext
-import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
-abstract class ParquetSchemaTest extends SparkFunSuite with ParquetTest {
-  val sqlContext = TestSQLContext
-  /**
-   * Checks whether the reflected Parquet message type for product type `T` 
conforms `messageType`.
-   */
-  protected def testSchemaInference[T <: Product: ClassTag: TypeTag](
-      testName: String,
-      messageType: String,
-      binaryAsString: Boolean = true,
-      int96AsTimestamp: Boolean = true,
-      followParquetFormatSpec: Boolean = false,
-      isThriftDerived: Boolean = false): Unit = {
-    testSchema(
-      testName,
-      StructType.fromAttributes(ScalaReflection.attributesFor[T]),
-      messageType,
-      binaryAsString,
-      int96AsTimestamp,
-      followParquetFormatSpec,
-      isThriftDerived)
-  }
-  protected def testParquetToCatalyst(
-      testName: String,
-      sqlSchema: StructType,
-      parquetSchema: String,
-      binaryAsString: Boolean = true,
-      int96AsTimestamp: Boolean = true,
-      followParquetFormatSpec: Boolean = false,
-      isThriftDerived: Boolean = false): Unit = {
-    val converter = new CatalystSchemaConverter(
-      assumeBinaryIsString = binaryAsString,
-      assumeInt96IsTimestamp = int96AsTimestamp,
-      followParquetFormatSpec = followParquetFormatSpec)
-    test(s"sql <= parquet: $testName") {
-      val actual = 
-      val expected = sqlSchema
-      assert(
-        actual === expected,
-        s"""Schema mismatch.
-           |Expected schema: ${expected.json}
-           |Actual schema:   ${actual.json}
-         """.stripMargin)
-    }
-  }
-  protected def testCatalystToParquet(
-      testName: String,
-      sqlSchema: StructType,
-      parquetSchema: String,
-      binaryAsString: Boolean = true,
-      int96AsTimestamp: Boolean = true,
-      followParquetFormatSpec: Boolean = false,
-      isThriftDerived: Boolean = false): Unit = {
-    val converter = new CatalystSchemaConverter(
-      assumeBinaryIsString = binaryAsString,
-      assumeInt96IsTimestamp = int96AsTimestamp,
-      followParquetFormatSpec = followParquetFormatSpec)
-    test(s"sql => parquet: $testName") {
-      val actual = converter.convert(sqlSchema)
-      val expected = MessageTypeParser.parseMessageType(parquetSchema)
-      actual.checkContains(expected)
-      expected.checkContains(actual)
-    }
-  }
-  protected def testSchema(
-      testName: String,
-      sqlSchema: StructType,
-      parquetSchema: String,
-      binaryAsString: Boolean = true,
-      int96AsTimestamp: Boolean = true,
-      followParquetFormatSpec: Boolean = false,
-      isThriftDerived: Boolean = false): Unit = {
-    testCatalystToParquet(
-      testName,
-      sqlSchema,
-      parquetSchema,
-      binaryAsString,
-      int96AsTimestamp,
-      followParquetFormatSpec,
-      isThriftDerived)
-    testParquetToCatalyst(
-      testName,
-      sqlSchema,
-      parquetSchema,
-      binaryAsString,
-      int96AsTimestamp,
-      followParquetFormatSpec,
-      isThriftDerived)
-  }
-class ParquetSchemaInferenceSuite extends ParquetSchemaTest {
-  testSchemaInference[(Boolean, Int, Long, Float, Double, Array[Byte])](
-    "basic types",
-    """
-      |message root {
-      |  required boolean _1;
-      |  required int32   _2;
-      |  required int64   _3;
-      |  required float   _4;
-      |  required double  _5;
-      |  optional binary  _6;
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    binaryAsString = false)
-  testSchemaInference[(Byte, Short, Int, Long, java.sql.Date)](
-    "logical integral types",
-    """
-      |message root {
-      |  required int32 _1 (INT_8);
-      |  required int32 _2 (INT_16);
-      |  required int32 _3 (INT_32);
-      |  required int64 _4 (INT_64);
-      |  optional int32 _5 (DATE);
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testSchemaInference[Tuple1[String]](
-    "string",
-    """
-      |message root {
-      |  optional binary _1 (UTF8);
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    binaryAsString = true)
-  testSchemaInference[Tuple1[String]](
-    "binary enum as string",
-    """
-      |message root {
-      |  optional binary _1 (ENUM);
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testSchemaInference[Tuple1[Seq[Int]]](
-    "non-nullable array - non-standard",
-    """
-      |message root {
-      |  optional group _1 (LIST) {
-      |    repeated int32 array;
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testSchemaInference[Tuple1[Seq[Int]]](
-    "non-nullable array - standard",
-    """
-      |message root {
-      |  optional group _1 (LIST) {
-      |    repeated group list {
-      |      required int32 element;
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    followParquetFormatSpec = true)
-  testSchemaInference[Tuple1[Seq[Integer]]](
-    "nullable array - non-standard",
-    """
-      |message root {
-      |  optional group _1 (LIST) {
-      |    repeated group bag {
-      |      optional int32 array_element;
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testSchemaInference[Tuple1[Seq[Integer]]](
-    "nullable array - standard",
-    """
-      |message root {
-      |  optional group _1 (LIST) {
-      |    repeated group list {
-      |      optional int32 element;
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    followParquetFormatSpec = true)
-  testSchemaInference[Tuple1[Map[Int, String]]](
-    "map - standard",
-    """
-      |message root {
-      |  optional group _1 (MAP) {
-      |    repeated group key_value {
-      |      required int32 key;
-      |      optional binary value (UTF8);
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    followParquetFormatSpec = true)
-  testSchemaInference[Tuple1[Map[Int, String]]](
-    "map - non-standard",
-    """
-      |message root {
-      |  optional group _1 (MAP) {
-      |    repeated group map (MAP_KEY_VALUE) {
-      |      required int32 key;
-      |      optional binary value (UTF8);
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testSchemaInference[Tuple1[Pair[Int, String]]](
-    "struct",
-    """
-      |message root {
-      |  optional group _1 {
-      |    required int32 _1;
-      |    optional binary _2 (UTF8);
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    followParquetFormatSpec = true)
-  testSchemaInference[Tuple1[Map[Int, (String, Seq[(Int, Double)])]]](
-    "deeply nested type - non-standard",
-    """
-      |message root {
-      |  optional group _1 (MAP_KEY_VALUE) {
-      |    repeated group map {
-      |      required int32 key;
-      |      optional group value {
-      |        optional binary _1 (UTF8);
-      |        optional group _2 (LIST) {
-      |          repeated group bag {
-      |            optional group array_element {
-      |              required int32 _1;
-      |              required double _2;
-      |            }
-      |          }
-      |        }
-      |      }
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testSchemaInference[Tuple1[Map[Int, (String, Seq[(Int, Double)])]]](
-    "deeply nested type - standard",
-    """
-      |message root {
-      |  optional group _1 (MAP) {
-      |    repeated group key_value {
-      |      required int32 key;
-      |      optional group value {
-      |        optional binary _1 (UTF8);
-      |        optional group _2 (LIST) {
-      |          repeated group list {
-      |            optional group element {
-      |              required int32 _1;
-      |              required double _2;
-      |            }
-      |          }
-      |        }
-      |      }
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    followParquetFormatSpec = true)
-  testSchemaInference[(Option[Int], Map[Int, Option[Double]])](
-    "optional types",
-    """
-      |message root {
-      |  optional int32 _1;
-      |  optional group _2 (MAP) {
-      |    repeated group key_value {
-      |      required int32 key;
-      |      optional double value;
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    followParquetFormatSpec = true)
-  // Parquet files generated by parquet-thrift are already handled by the 
schema converter, but
-  // let's leave this test here until both read path and write path are all 
-  ignore("thrift generated parquet schema") {
-    // Test for SPARK-4520 -- ensure that thrift generated parquet schema is 
-    // as expected from attributes
-    testSchemaInference[(
-      Array[Byte], Array[Byte], Array[Byte], Seq[Int], Map[Array[Byte], 
-      "thrift generated parquet schema",
-      """
-        |message root {
-        |  optional binary _1 (UTF8);
-        |  optional binary _2 (UTF8);
-        |  optional binary _3 (UTF8);
-        |  optional group _4 (LIST) {
-        |    repeated int32 _4_tuple;
-        |  }
-        |  optional group _5 (MAP) {
-        |    repeated group map (MAP_KEY_VALUE) {
-        |      required binary key (UTF8);
-        |      optional group value (LIST) {
-        |        repeated int32 value_tuple;
-        |      }
-        |    }
-        |  }
-        |}
-      """.stripMargin,
-      isThriftDerived = true)
-  }
-class ParquetSchemaSuite extends ParquetSchemaTest {
-  test("DataType string parser compatibility") {
-    // This is the generated string from previous versions of the Spark SQL, 
using the following:
-    // val schema = StructType(List(
-    //  StructField("c1", IntegerType, false),
-    //  StructField("c2", BinaryType, true)))
-    val caseClassString =
-      "StructType(List(StructField(c1,IntegerType,false), 
-    // scalastyle:off
-    val jsonString = 
-    // scalastyle:on
-    val fromCaseClassString = 
-    val fromJson = ParquetTypesConverter.convertFromString(jsonString)
-    (fromCaseClassString, fromJson).zipped.foreach { (a, b) =>
-      assert( ==
-      assert(a.dataType === b.dataType)
-      assert(a.nullable === b.nullable)
-    }
-  }
-  test("merge with metastore schema") {
-    // Field type conflict resolution
-    assertResult(
-      StructType(Seq(
-        StructField("lowerCase", StringType),
-        StructField("UPPERCase", DoubleType, nullable = false)))) {
-      ParquetRelation.mergeMetastoreParquetSchema(
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("lowercase", StringType),
-          StructField("uppercase", DoubleType, nullable = false))),
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("lowerCase", BinaryType),
-          StructField("UPPERCase", IntegerType, nullable = true))))
-    }
-    // MetaStore schema is subset of parquet schema
-    assertResult(
-      StructType(Seq(
-        StructField("UPPERCase", DoubleType, nullable = false)))) {
-      ParquetRelation.mergeMetastoreParquetSchema(
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("uppercase", DoubleType, nullable = false))),
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("lowerCase", BinaryType),
-          StructField("UPPERCase", IntegerType, nullable = true))))
-    }
-    // Metastore schema contains additional non-nullable fields.
-    assert(intercept[Throwable] {
-      ParquetRelation.mergeMetastoreParquetSchema(
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("uppercase", DoubleType, nullable = false),
-          StructField("lowerCase", BinaryType, nullable = false))),
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("UPPERCase", IntegerType, nullable = true))))
-    }.getMessage.contains("detected conflicting schemas"))
-    // Conflicting non-nullable field names
-    intercept[Throwable] {
-      ParquetRelation.mergeMetastoreParquetSchema(
-        StructType(Seq(StructField("lower", StringType, nullable = false))),
-        StructType(Seq(StructField("lowerCase", BinaryType))))
-    }
-  }
-  test("merge missing nullable fields from Metastore schema") {
-    // Standard case: Metastore schema contains additional nullable fields not 
-    // in the Parquet file schema.
-    assertResult(
-      StructType(Seq(
-        StructField("firstField", StringType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("secondField", StringType, nullable = true),
-        StructField("thirdfield", StringType, nullable = true)))) {
-      ParquetRelation.mergeMetastoreParquetSchema(
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("firstfield", StringType, nullable = true),
-          StructField("secondfield", StringType, nullable = true),
-          StructField("thirdfield", StringType, nullable = true))),
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("firstField", StringType, nullable = true),
-          StructField("secondField", StringType, nullable = true))))
-    }
-    // Merge should fail if the Metastore contains any additional fields that 
are not
-    // nullable.
-    assert(intercept[Throwable] {
-      ParquetRelation.mergeMetastoreParquetSchema(
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("firstfield", StringType, nullable = true),
-          StructField("secondfield", StringType, nullable = true),
-          StructField("thirdfield", StringType, nullable = false))),
-        StructType(Seq(
-          StructField("firstField", StringType, nullable = true),
-          StructField("secondField", StringType, nullable = true))))
-    }.getMessage.contains("detected conflicting schemas"))
-  }
-  // =======================================================
-  // Tests for converting Parquet LIST to Catalyst ArrayType
-  // =======================================================
-  testParquetToCatalyst(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: LIST with nullable element type - 1 - standard",
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = true),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (LIST) {
-      |    repeated group list {
-      |      optional int32 element;
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testParquetToCatalyst(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: LIST with nullable element type - 2",
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = true),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (LIST) {
-      |    repeated group element {
-      |      optional int32 num;
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testParquetToCatalyst(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: LIST with non-nullable element type - 1 - 
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField("f1", ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = false), nullable 
= true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (LIST) {
-      |    repeated group list {
-      |      required int32 element;
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testParquetToCatalyst(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: LIST with non-nullable element type - 2",
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField("f1", ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = false), nullable 
= true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (LIST) {
-      |    repeated group element {
-      |      required int32 num;
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testParquetToCatalyst(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: LIST with non-nullable element type - 3",
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField("f1", ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = false), nullable 
= true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (LIST) {
-      |    repeated int32 element;
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testParquetToCatalyst(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: LIST with non-nullable element type - 4",
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        ArrayType(
-          StructType(Seq(
-            StructField("str", StringType, nullable = false),
-            StructField("num", IntegerType, nullable = false))),
-          containsNull = false),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (LIST) {
-      |    repeated group element {
-      |      required binary str (UTF8);
-      |      required int32 num;
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testParquetToCatalyst(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: LIST with non-nullable element type - 5 - 
parquet-avro style",
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        ArrayType(
-          StructType(Seq(
-            StructField("str", StringType, nullable = false))),
-          containsNull = false),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (LIST) {
-      |    repeated group array {
-      |      required binary str (UTF8);
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testParquetToCatalyst(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: LIST with non-nullable element type - 6 - 
parquet-thrift style",
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        ArrayType(
-          StructType(Seq(
-            StructField("str", StringType, nullable = false))),
-          containsNull = false),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (LIST) {
-      |    repeated group f1_tuple {
-      |      required binary str (UTF8);
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  // =======================================================
-  // Tests for converting Catalyst ArrayType to Parquet LIST
-  // =======================================================
-  testCatalystToParquet(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: LIST with nullable element type - 1 - standard",
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = true),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (LIST) {
-      |    repeated group list {
-      |      optional int32 element;
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    followParquetFormatSpec = true)
-  testCatalystToParquet(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: LIST with nullable element type - 2 - prior to 
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = true),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (LIST) {
-      |    repeated group bag {
-      |      optional int32 array_element;
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testCatalystToParquet(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: LIST with non-nullable element type - 1 - 
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = false),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (LIST) {
-      |    repeated group list {
-      |      required int32 element;
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    followParquetFormatSpec = true)
-  testCatalystToParquet(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: LIST with non-nullable element type - 2 - prior 
to 1.4.x",
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        ArrayType(IntegerType, containsNull = false),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (LIST) {
-      |    repeated int32 array;
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  // ====================================================
-  // Tests for converting Parquet Map to Catalyst MapType
-  // ====================================================
-  testParquetToCatalyst(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: MAP with non-nullable value type - 1 - standard",
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        MapType(IntegerType, StringType, valueContainsNull = false),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (MAP) {
-      |    repeated group key_value {
-      |      required int32 key;
-      |      required binary value (UTF8);
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testParquetToCatalyst(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: MAP with non-nullable value type - 2",
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        MapType(IntegerType, StringType, valueContainsNull = false),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (MAP_KEY_VALUE) {
-      |    repeated group map {
-      |      required int32 num;
-      |      required binary str (UTF8);
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testParquetToCatalyst(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: MAP with non-nullable value type - 3 - prior to 
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        MapType(IntegerType, StringType, valueContainsNull = false),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (MAP) {
-      |    repeated group map (MAP_KEY_VALUE) {
-      |      required int32 key;
-      |      required binary value (UTF8);
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testParquetToCatalyst(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: MAP with nullable value type - 1 - standard",
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        MapType(IntegerType, StringType, valueContainsNull = true),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (MAP) {
-      |    repeated group key_value {
-      |      required int32 key;
-      |      optional binary value (UTF8);
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testParquetToCatalyst(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: MAP with nullable value type - 2",
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        MapType(IntegerType, StringType, valueContainsNull = true),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (MAP_KEY_VALUE) {
-      |    repeated group map {
-      |      required int32 num;
-      |      optional binary str (UTF8);
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testParquetToCatalyst(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: MAP with nullable value type - 3 - parquet-avro 
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        MapType(IntegerType, StringType, valueContainsNull = true),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (MAP) {
-      |    repeated group map (MAP_KEY_VALUE) {
-      |      required int32 key;
-      |      optional binary value (UTF8);
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  // ====================================================
-  // Tests for converting Catalyst MapType to Parquet Map
-  // ====================================================
-  testCatalystToParquet(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: MAP with non-nullable value type - 1 - standard",
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        MapType(IntegerType, StringType, valueContainsNull = false),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (MAP) {
-      |    repeated group key_value {
-      |      required int32 key;
-      |      required binary value (UTF8);
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    followParquetFormatSpec = true)
-  testCatalystToParquet(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: MAP with non-nullable value type - 2 - prior to 
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        MapType(IntegerType, StringType, valueContainsNull = false),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (MAP) {
-      |    repeated group map (MAP_KEY_VALUE) {
-      |      required int32 key;
-      |      required binary value (UTF8);
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testCatalystToParquet(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: MAP with nullable value type - 1 - standard",
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        MapType(IntegerType, StringType, valueContainsNull = true),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (MAP) {
-      |    repeated group key_value {
-      |      required int32 key;
-      |      optional binary value (UTF8);
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    followParquetFormatSpec = true)
-  testCatalystToParquet(
-    "Backwards-compatibility: MAP with nullable value type - 3 - prior to 
-    StructType(Seq(
-      StructField(
-        "f1",
-        MapType(IntegerType, StringType, valueContainsNull = true),
-        nullable = true))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional group f1 (MAP) {
-      |    repeated group map (MAP_KEY_VALUE) {
-      |      required int32 key;
-      |      optional binary value (UTF8);
-      |    }
-      |  }
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  // =================================
-  // Tests for conversion for decimals
-  // =================================
-  testSchema(
-    "DECIMAL(1, 0) - standard",
-    StructType(Seq(StructField("f1", DecimalType(1, 0)))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional int32 f1 (DECIMAL(1, 0));
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    followParquetFormatSpec = true)
-  testSchema(
-    "DECIMAL(8, 3) - standard",
-    StructType(Seq(StructField("f1", DecimalType(8, 3)))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional int32 f1 (DECIMAL(8, 3));
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    followParquetFormatSpec = true)
-  testSchema(
-    "DECIMAL(9, 3) - standard",
-    StructType(Seq(StructField("f1", DecimalType(9, 3)))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional int32 f1 (DECIMAL(9, 3));
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    followParquetFormatSpec = true)
-  testSchema(
-    "DECIMAL(18, 3) - standard",
-    StructType(Seq(StructField("f1", DecimalType(18, 3)))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional int64 f1 (DECIMAL(18, 3));
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    followParquetFormatSpec = true)
-  testSchema(
-    "DECIMAL(19, 3) - standard",
-    StructType(Seq(StructField("f1", DecimalType(19, 3)))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional fixed_len_byte_array(9) f1 (DECIMAL(19, 3));
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin,
-    followParquetFormatSpec = true)
-  testSchema(
-    "DECIMAL(1, 0) - prior to 1.4.x",
-    StructType(Seq(StructField("f1", DecimalType(1, 0)))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional fixed_len_byte_array(1) f1 (DECIMAL(1, 0));
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testSchema(
-    "DECIMAL(8, 3) - prior to 1.4.x",
-    StructType(Seq(StructField("f1", DecimalType(8, 3)))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional fixed_len_byte_array(4) f1 (DECIMAL(8, 3));
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testSchema(
-    "DECIMAL(9, 3) - prior to 1.4.x",
-    StructType(Seq(StructField("f1", DecimalType(9, 3)))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional fixed_len_byte_array(5) f1 (DECIMAL(9, 3));
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
-  testSchema(
-    "DECIMAL(18, 3) - prior to 1.4.x",
-    StructType(Seq(StructField("f1", DecimalType(18, 3)))),
-    """message root {
-      |  optional fixed_len_byte_array(8) f1 (DECIMAL(18, 3));
-      |}
-    """.stripMargin)
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 64e9405..0000000
--- a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/parquet/ParquetTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.sql.parquet
-import scala.reflect.ClassTag
-import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
-import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite
-import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SQLTestUtils
-import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SaveMode}
- * A helper trait that provides convenient facilities for Parquet testing.
- *
- * NOTE: Considering classes `Tuple1` ... `Tuple22` all extend `Product`, it 
would be more
- * convenient to use tuples rather than special case classes when writing test 
- * Especially, `Tuple1.apply` can be used to easily wrap a single type/value.
- */
-private[sql] trait ParquetTest extends SQLTestUtils { this: SparkFunSuite =>
-  /**
-   * Writes `data` to a Parquet file, which is then passed to `f` and will be 
deleted after `f`
-   * returns.
-   */
-  protected def withParquetFile[T <: Product: ClassTag: TypeTag]
-      (data: Seq[T])
-      (f: String => Unit): Unit = {
-    withTempPath { file =>
-      sqlContext.createDataFrame(data).write.parquet(file.getCanonicalPath)
-      f(file.getCanonicalPath)
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Writes `data` to a Parquet file and reads it back as a [[DataFrame]],
-   * which is then passed to `f`. The Parquet file will be deleted after `f` 
-   */
-  protected def withParquetDataFrame[T <: Product: ClassTag: TypeTag]
-      (data: Seq[T])
-      (f: DataFrame => Unit): Unit = {
-    withParquetFile(data)(path => f(
-  }
-  /**
-   * Writes `data` to a Parquet file, reads it back as a [[DataFrame]] and 
registers it as a
-   * temporary table named `tableName`, then call `f`. The temporary table 
together with the
-   * Parquet file will be dropped/deleted after `f` returns.
-   */
-  protected def withParquetTable[T <: Product: ClassTag: TypeTag]
-      (data: Seq[T], tableName: String)
-      (f: => Unit): Unit = {
-    withParquetDataFrame(data) { df =>
-      sqlContext.registerDataFrameAsTable(df, tableName)
-      withTempTable(tableName)(f)
-    }
-  }
-  protected def makeParquetFile[T <: Product: ClassTag: TypeTag](
-      data: Seq[T], path: File): Unit = {
-  }
-  protected def makeParquetFile[T <: Product: ClassTag: TypeTag](
-      df: DataFrame, path: File): Unit = {
-    df.write.mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).parquet(path.getCanonicalPath)
-  }
-  protected def makePartitionDir(
-      basePath: File,
-      defaultPartitionName: String,
-      partitionCols: (String, Any)*): File = {
-    val partNames = { case (k, v) =>
-      val valueString = if (v == null || v == "") defaultPartitionName else 
-      s"$k=$valueString"
-    }
-    val partDir = partNames.foldLeft(basePath) { (parent, child) =>
-      new File(parent, child)
-    }
-    assert(partDir.mkdirs(), s"Couldn't create directory $partDir")
-    partDir
-  }
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c532d7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.apache.spark.sql.parquet
-import org.apache.spark.sql.test.TestSQLContext
-import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext}
-class ParquetThriftCompatibilitySuite extends ParquetCompatibilityTest {
-  import ParquetCompatibilityTest._
-  override val sqlContext: SQLContext = TestSQLContext
-  private val parquetFilePath =
-  test("Read Parquet file generated by parquet-thrift") {
-    logInfo(
-      s"""Schema of the Parquet file written by parquet-thrift:
-         |${readParquetSchema(parquetFilePath.toString)}
-       """.stripMargin)
-    checkAnswer(, (0 until 
10).map { i =>
-      def nullable[T <: AnyRef]: ( => T) => T = makeNullable[T](i)
-      val suits = Array("SPADES", "HEARTS", "DIAMONDS", "CLUBS")
-      Row(
-        i % 2 == 0,
-        i.toByte,
-        (i + 1).toShort,
-        i + 2,
-        i.toLong * 10,
-        i.toDouble + 0.2d,
-        // Thrift `BINARY` values are actually unencoded `STRING` values, and 
thus are always
-        // treated as `BINARY (UTF8)` in parquet-thrift, since parquet-thrift 
always assume
-        // Thrift `STRING`s are encoded using UTF-8.
-        s"val_$i",
-        s"val_$i",
-        // Thrift ENUM values are converted to Parquet binaries containing 
UTF-8 strings
-        suits(i % 4),
-        nullable(i % 2 == 0: java.lang.Boolean),
-        nullable(i.toByte: java.lang.Byte),
-        nullable((i + 1).toShort: java.lang.Short),
-        nullable(i + 2: Integer),
-        nullable((i * 10).toLong: java.lang.Long),
-        nullable(i.toDouble + 0.2d: java.lang.Double),
-        nullable(s"val_$i"),
-        nullable(s"val_$i"),
-        nullable(suits(i % 4)),
-        Seq.tabulate(3)(n => s"arr_${i + n}"),
-        // Thrift `SET`s are converted to Parquet `LIST`s
-        Seq(i),
-        Seq.tabulate(3)(n => (i + n: Integer) -> s"val_${i + n}").toMap,
-        Seq.tabulate(3) { n =>
-          (i + n) -> Seq.tabulate(3) { m =>
-            Row(Seq.tabulate(3)(j => i + j + m), s"val_${i + m}")
-          }
-        }.toMap)
-    })
-  }
diff --git 
index 1907e64..562c279 100644
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class CreateTableAsSelectSuite extends DataSourceTest with 
BeforeAndAfterAll {
         |CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE jsonTable
-        |USING org.apache.spark.sql.json.DefaultSource
+        |USING json
         |OPTIONS (
         |  path '${path.toString}'
         |) AS
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class CreateTableAsSelectSuite extends DataSourceTest with 
BeforeAndAfterAll {
            |CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE jsonTable
-           |USING org.apache.spark.sql.json.DefaultSource
+           |USING json
            |OPTIONS (
            |  path '${path.toString}'
            |) AS
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class CreateTableAsSelectSuite extends DataSourceTest with 
BeforeAndAfterAll {
         |CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE jsonTable
-        |USING org.apache.spark.sql.json.DefaultSource
+        |USING json
         |OPTIONS (
         |  path '${path.toString}'
         |) AS
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class CreateTableAsSelectSuite extends DataSourceTest with 
BeforeAndAfterAll {
-        |USING org.apache.spark.sql.json.DefaultSource
+        |USING json
         |OPTIONS (
         |  path '${path.toString}'
         |) AS
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ class CreateTableAsSelectSuite extends DataSourceTest with 
BeforeAndAfterAll {
         |CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE jsonTable
-        |USING org.apache.spark.sql.json.DefaultSource
+        |USING json
         |OPTIONS (
         |  path '${path.toString}'
         |) AS
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class CreateTableAsSelectSuite extends DataSourceTest with 
BeforeAndAfterAll {
         |CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE jsonTable
-        |USING org.apache.spark.sql.json.DefaultSource
+        |USING json
         |OPTIONS (
         |  path '${path.toString}'
         |) AS
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ class CreateTableAsSelectSuite extends DataSourceTest with 
BeforeAndAfterAll {
-        |USING org.apache.spark.sql.json.DefaultSource
+        |USING json
         |OPTIONS (
         |  path '${path.toString}'
         |) AS
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ class CreateTableAsSelectSuite extends DataSourceTest with 
BeforeAndAfterAll {
         |CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE jsonTable (a int, b string)
-        |USING org.apache.spark.sql.json.DefaultSource
+        |USING json
         |OPTIONS (
         |  path '${path.toString}'
         |) AS
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class CreateTableAsSelectSuite extends DataSourceTest with 
BeforeAndAfterAll {
         |CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE jsonTable
-        |USING org.apache.spark.sql.json.DefaultSource
+        |USING json
         |OPTIONS (
         |  path '${path.toString}'
         |) AS
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ class CreateTableAsSelectSuite extends DataSourceTest with 
BeforeAndAfterAll {
         |CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE jsonTable
-        |USING org.apache.spark.sql.json.DefaultSource
+        |USING json
         |OPTIONS (
         |  path '${path.toString}'
         |) AS

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