Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master edf65cd96 -> 9657ee878

[SPARK-11677][SQL] ORC filter tests all pass if filters are actually not pushed 

Currently ORC filters are not tested properly. All the tests pass even if the 
filters are not pushed down or disabled. In this PR, I add some logics for this.
Since ORC does not filter record by record fully, this checks the count of the 
result and if it contains the expected values.

Author: hyukjinkwon <>

Closes #9687 from HyukjinKwon/SPARK-11677.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 9657ee87888422c5596987fe760b49117a0ea4e2
Parents: edf65cd
Author: hyukjinkwon <>
Authored: Wed Dec 16 13:24:49 2015 -0800
Committer: Michael Armbrust <>
Committed: Wed Dec 16 13:24:49 2015 -0800

 .../spark/sql/hive/orc/OrcQuerySuite.scala      | 53 +++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 36 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
diff --git 
index 7efeab5..2156806 100644
--- a/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/orc/OrcQuerySuite.scala
+++ b/sql/hive/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/orc/OrcQuerySuite.scala
@@ -350,28 +350,47 @@ class OrcQuerySuite extends QueryTest with 
BeforeAndAfterAll with OrcTest {
     withTempPath { dir =>
       withSQLConf(SQLConf.ORC_FILTER_PUSHDOWN_ENABLED.key -> "true") {
         import testImplicits._
         val path = dir.getCanonicalPath
-        sqlContext.range(10).coalesce(1).write.orc(path)
+        // For field "a", the first column has odds integers. This is to check 
the filtered count
+        // when `isNull` is performed. For Field "b", `isNotNull` of ORC file 
filters rows
+        // only when all the values are null (maybe this works differently 
when the data
+        // or query is complicated). So, simply here a column only having 
`null` is added.
+        val data = (0 until 10).map { i =>
+          val maybeInt = if (i % 2 == 0) None else Some(i)
+          val nullValue: Option[String] = None
+          (maybeInt, nullValue)
+        }
+        createDataFrame(data).toDF("a", "b").write.orc(path)
         val df =
-        def checkPredicate(pred: Column, answer: Seq[Long]): Unit = {
-          checkAnswer(df.where(pred),
+        def checkPredicate(pred: Column, answer: Seq[Row]): Unit = {
+          val sourceDf = stripSparkFilter(df.where(pred))
+          val data = sourceDf.collect().toSet
+          val expectedData = answer.toSet
+          // When a filter is pushed to ORC, ORC can apply it to rows. So, we 
can check
+          // the number of rows returned from the ORC to make sure our filter 
pushdown work.
+          // A tricky part is, ORC does not process filter rows fully but 
return some possible
+          // results. So, this checks if the number of result is less than the 
original count
+          // of data, and then checks if it contains the expected data.
+          val isOrcFiltered = sourceDf.count < 10 && 
+          assert(isOrcFiltered)
-        checkPredicate('id === 5, Seq(5L))
-        checkPredicate('id <=> 5, Seq(5L))
-        checkPredicate('id < 5, 0L to 4L)
-        checkPredicate('id <= 5, 0L to 5L)
-        checkPredicate('id > 5, 6L to 9L)
-        checkPredicate('id >= 5, 5L to 9L)
-        checkPredicate('id.isNull, Seq.empty[Long])
-        checkPredicate('id.isNotNull, 0L to 9L)
-        checkPredicate('id.isin(1L, 3L, 5L), Seq(1L, 3L, 5L))
-        checkPredicate('id > 0 && 'id < 3, 1L to 2L)
-        checkPredicate('id < 1 || 'id > 8, Seq(0L, 9L))
-        checkPredicate(!('id > 3), 0L to 3L)
-        checkPredicate(!('id > 0 && 'id < 3), Seq(0L) ++ (3L to 9L))
+        checkPredicate('a === 5, List(5).map(Row(_, null)))
+        checkPredicate('a <=> 5, List(5).map(Row(_, null)))
+        checkPredicate('a < 5, List(1, 3).map(Row(_, null)))
+        checkPredicate('a <= 5, List(1, 3, 5).map(Row(_, null)))
+        checkPredicate('a > 5, List(7, 9).map(Row(_, null)))
+        checkPredicate('a >= 5, List(5, 7, 9).map(Row(_, null)))
+        checkPredicate('a.isNull, List(null).map(Row(_, null)))
+        checkPredicate('b.isNotNull, List())
+        checkPredicate('a.isin(3, 5, 7), List(3, 5, 7).map(Row(_, null)))
+        checkPredicate('a > 0 && 'a < 3, List(1).map(Row(_, null)))
+        checkPredicate('a < 1 || 'a > 8, List(9).map(Row(_, null)))
+        checkPredicate(!('a > 3), List(1, 3).map(Row(_, null)))
+        checkPredicate(!('a > 0 && 'a < 3), List(3, 5, 7, 9).map(Row(_, null)))

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