Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/branch-2.0 5c2bc8360 -> a09c258c9

[SPARK-17317][SPARKR] Add SparkR vignette to branch 2.0

## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

This PR adds SparkR vignette to branch 2.0, which works as a friendly guidance 
going through the functionality provided by SparkR.

## How was this patch tested?

R unit test.

Author: junyangq <>
Author: Shivaram Venkataraman <>
Author: Junyang Qian <>

Closes #15100 from junyangq/SPARKR-vignette-2.0.


Branch: refs/heads/branch-2.0
Commit: a09c258c9a97e701fa7650cc0651e3c6a7a1cab9
Parents: 5c2bc83
Author: junyangq <>
Authored: Thu Sep 15 10:00:36 2016 -0700
Committer: Shivaram Venkataraman <>
Committed: Thu Sep 15 10:00:36 2016 -0700

 R/                     |  11 +-
 R/pkg/vignettes/sparkr-vignettes.Rmd | 643 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 652 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/R/ b/R/
index d2ae160..0dfba22 100755
--- a/R/
+++ b/R/
@@ -17,11 +17,13 @@
 # limitations under the License.
-# Script to create API docs for SparkR
-# This requires `devtools` and `knitr` to be installed on the machine.
+# Script to create API docs and vignettes for SparkR
+# This requires `devtools`, `knitr` and `rmarkdown` to be installed on the 
 # After running this script the html docs can be found in 
 # $SPARK_HOME/R/pkg/html
+# The vignettes can be found in
+# $SPARK_HOME/R/pkg/vignettes/sparkr_vignettes.html
 set -o pipefail
 set -e
@@ -43,4 +45,9 @@ Rscript -e 'libDir <- "../../lib"; library(SparkR, 
lib.loc=libDir); library(knit
+# render creates SparkR vignettes
+Rscript -e 'library(rmarkdown); paths <- .libPaths(); .libPaths(c("lib", 
paths)); Sys.setenv(SPARK_HOME=tools::file_path_as_absolute("..")); 
render("pkg/vignettes/sparkr-vignettes.Rmd"); .libPaths(paths)'
+find pkg/vignettes/. -not -name '.' -not -name '*.Rmd' -not -name '*.md' -not 
-name '*.pdf' -not -name '*.html' -delete
diff --git a/R/pkg/vignettes/sparkr-vignettes.Rmd 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5156c9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/pkg/vignettes/sparkr-vignettes.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
+title: "SparkR - Practical Guide"
+  html_document:
+    theme: united
+    toc: true
+    toc_depth: 4
+    toc_float: true
+    highlight: textmate
+## Overview
+SparkR is an R package that provides a light-weight frontend to use Apache 
Spark from R. With Spark `r packageVersion("SparkR")`, SparkR provides a 
distributed data frame implementation that supports data processing operations 
like selection, filtering, aggregation etc. and distributed machine learning 
using [MLlib](
+## Getting Started
+We begin with an example running on the local machine and provide an overview 
of the use of SparkR: data ingestion, data processing and machine learning.
+First, let's load and attach the package.
+```{r, message=FALSE}
+`SparkSession` is the entry point into SparkR which connects your R program to 
a Spark cluster. You can create a `SparkSession` using `sparkR.session` and 
pass in options such as the application name, any Spark packages depended on, 
+We use default settings in which it runs in local mode. It auto downloads 
Spark package in the background if no previous installation is found. For more 
details about setup, see [Spark Session](#SetupSparkSession).
+```{r, message=FALSE}
+The operations in SparkR are centered around an R class called 
`SparkDataFrame`. It is a distributed collection of data organized into named 
columns, which is conceptually equivalent to a table in a relational database 
or a data frame in R, but with richer optimizations under the hood.
+`SparkDataFrame` can be constructed from a wide array of sources such as: 
structured data files, tables in Hive, external databases, or existing local R 
data frames. For example, we create a `SparkDataFrame` from a local R data 
+cars <- cbind(model = rownames(mtcars), mtcars)
+carsDF <- createDataFrame(cars)
+We can view the first few rows of the `SparkDataFrame` by `head` or `showDF` 
+Common data processing operations such as `filter`, `select` are supported on 
the `SparkDataFrame`.
+carsSubDF <- select(carsDF, "model", "mpg", "hp")
+carsSubDF <- filter(carsSubDF, carsSubDF$hp >= 200)
+SparkR can use many common aggregation functions after grouping.
+carsGPDF <- summarize(groupBy(carsDF, carsDF$gear), count = n(carsDF$gear))
+The results `carsDF` and `carsSubDF` are `SparkDataFrame` objects. To convert 
back to R `data.frame`, we can use `collect`. **Caution**: This can cause your 
interactive environment to run out of memory, though, because `collect()` 
fetches the entire distributed `DataFrame` to your client, which is acting as a 
Spark driver.
+carsGP <- collect(carsGPDF)
+SparkR supports a number of commonly used machine learning algorithms. Under 
the hood, SparkR uses MLlib to train the model. Users can call `summary` to 
print a summary of the fitted model, `predict` to make predictions on new data, 
and ``/`` to save/load fitted models.
+SparkR supports a subset of R formula operators for model fitting, including 
‘~’, ‘.’, ‘:’, ‘+’, and ‘-‘. We use linear regression as an 
+model <- spark.glm(carsDF, mpg ~ wt + cyl)
+The result matches that returned by R `glm` function applied to the 
corresponding `data.frame` `mtcars` of `carsDF`. In fact, for Generalized 
Linear Model, we specifically expose `glm` for `SparkDataFrame` as well so that 
the above is equivalent to `model <- glm(mpg ~ wt + cyl, data = carsDF)`.
+The model can be saved by `` and loaded back using ``.
+```{r, eval=FALSE}, path = "/HOME/tmp/mlModel/glmModel")
+In the end, we can stop Spark Session by running
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+## Setup
+### Installation
+Different from many other R packages, to use SparkR, you need an additional 
installation of Apache Spark. The Spark installation will be used to run a 
backend process that will compile and execute SparkR programs.
+If you don't have Spark installed on the computer, you may download it from 
[Apache Spark Website]( Alternatively, 
we provide an easy-to-use function `install.spark` to complete this process. 
You don't have to call it explicitly. We will check the installation when 
`sparkR.session` is called and `install.spark` function will be  triggered 
automatically if no installation is found.
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+If you already have Spark installed, you don't have to install again and can 
pass the `sparkHome` argument to `sparkR.session` to let SparkR know where the 
Spark installation is.
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+sparkR.session(sparkHome = "/HOME/spark")
+### Spark Session {#SetupSparkSession}
+In addition to `sparkHome`, many other options can be specified in 
`sparkR.session`. For a complete list, see [Starting up: 
 and [SparkR API 
+In particular, the following Spark driver properties can be set in 
+Property Name | Property group | spark-submit equivalent
+---------------- | ------------------ | ----------------------
+spark.driver.memory | Application Properties | --driver-memory
+spark.driver.extraClassPath | Runtime Environment | --driver-class-path
+spark.driver.extraJavaOptions | Runtime Environment | --driver-java-options
+spark.driver.extraLibraryPath | Runtime Environment | --driver-library-path
+**For Windows users**: Due to different file prefixes across operating 
systems, to avoid the issue of potential wrong prefix, a current workaround is 
to specify `spark.sql.warehouse.dir` when starting the `SparkSession`.
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+spark_warehouse_path <- file.path(path.expand('~'), "spark-warehouse")
+sparkR.session(spark.sql.warehouse.dir = spark_warehouse_path)
+#### Cluster Mode
+SparkR can connect to remote Spark clusters. [Cluster Mode 
Overview]( is a good 
introduction to different Spark cluster modes.
+When connecting SparkR to a remote Spark cluster, make sure that the Spark 
version and Hadoop version on the machine match the corresponding versions on 
the cluster. Current SparkR package is compatible with
+```{r, echo=FALSE, tidy = TRUE}
+paste("Spark", packageVersion("SparkR"))
+It should be used both on the local computer and on the remote cluster.
+To connect, pass the URL of the master node to `sparkR.session`. A complete 
list can be seen in [Spark Master 
+For example, to connect to a local standalone Spark master, we can call
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+sparkR.session(master = "spark://local:7077")
+For YARN cluster, SparkR supports the client mode with the master set as 
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+sparkR.session(master = "yarn")
+Yarn cluster mode is not supported in the current version.
+## Data Import
+### Local Data Frame
+The simplest way is to convert a local R data frame into a `SparkDataFrame`. 
Specifically we can use `as.DataFrame` or `createDataFrame` and pass in the 
local R data frame to create a `SparkDataFrame`. As an example, the following 
creates a `SparkDataFrame` based using the `faithful` dataset from R.
+df <- as.DataFrame(faithful)
+### Data Sources
+SparkR supports operating on a variety of data sources through the 
`SparkDataFrame` interface. You can check the Spark SQL programming guide for 
more [specific 
 that are available for the built-in data sources.
+The general method for creating `SparkDataFrame` from data sources is 
`read.df`. This method takes in the path for the file to load and the type of 
data source, and the currently active Spark Session will be used automatically. 
SparkR supports reading CSV, JSON and Parquet files natively and through Spark 
Packages you can find data source connectors for popular file formats like 
Avro. These packages can be added with `sparkPackages` parameter when 
initializing SparkSession using `sparkR.session'.`
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+sparkR.session(sparkPackages = "com.databricks:spark-avro_2.11:3.0.0")
+We can see how to use data sources using an example CSV input file. For more 
information please refer to SparkR 
[read.df]( API 
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+df <- read.df(csvPath, "csv", header = "true", inferSchema = "true", 
na.strings = "NA")
+The data sources API natively supports JSON formatted input files. Note that 
the file that is used here is not a typical JSON file. Each line in the file 
must contain a separate, self-contained valid JSON object. As a consequence, a 
regular multi-line JSON file will most often fail.
+Let's take a look at the first two lines of the raw JSON file used here.
+filePath <- paste0(sparkR.conf("spark.home"),
+                         "/examples/src/main/resources/people.json")
+readLines(filePath, n = 2L)
+We use `read.df` to read that into a `SparkDataFrame`.
+people <- read.df(filePath, "json")
+SparkR automatically infers the schema from the JSON file.
+If we want to read multiple JSON files, `read.json` can be used.
+people <- read.json(paste0(Sys.getenv("SPARK_HOME"),
+                           c("/examples/src/main/resources/people.json",
+                             "/examples/src/main/resources/people.json")))
+The data sources API can also be used to save out `SparkDataFrames` into 
multiple file formats. For example we can save the `SparkDataFrame` from the 
previous example to a Parquet file using `write.df`.
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+write.df(people, path = "people.parquet", source = "parquet", mode = 
+### Hive Tables
+You can also create SparkDataFrames from Hive tables. To do this we will need 
to create a SparkSession with Hive support which can access tables in the Hive 
MetaStore. Note that Spark should have been built with Hive support and more 
details can be found in the [SQL programming 
guide]( In 
SparkR, by default it will attempt to create a SparkSession with Hive support 
enabled (`enableHiveSupport = TRUE`).
+```{r, eval=FALSE}
+sql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS src (key INT, value STRING)")
+txtPath <- paste0(sparkR.conf("spark.home"), 
+sqlCMD <- sprintf("LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '%s' INTO TABLE src", txtPath)
+results <- sql("FROM src SELECT key, value")
+# results is now a SparkDataFrame
+## Data Processing
+**To dplyr users**: SparkR has similar interface as dplyr in data processing. 
However, some noticeable differences are worth mentioning in the first place. 
We use `df` to represent a `SparkDataFrame` and `col` to represent the name of 
column here.
+1. indicate columns. SparkR uses either a character string of the column name 
or a Column object constructed with `$` to indicate a column. For example, to 
select `col` in `df`, we can write `select(df, "col")` or `select(df, df$col)`.
+2. describe conditions. In SparkR, the Column object representation can be 
inserted into the condition directly, or we can use a character string to 
describe the condition, without referring to the `SparkDataFrame` used. For 
example, to select rows with value > 1, we can write `filter(df, df$col > 1)` 
or `filter(df, "col > 1")`.
+Here are more concrete examples.
+dplyr | SparkR
+-------- | ---------
+`select(mtcars, mpg, hp)` | `select(carsDF, "mpg", "hp")`
+`filter(mtcars, mpg > 20, hp > 100)` | `filter(carsDF, carsDF$mpg > 20, 
carsDF$hp > 100)`
+Other differences will be mentioned in the specific methods.
+We use the `SparkDataFrame` `carsDF` created above. We can get basic 
information about the `SparkDataFrame`.
+Print out the schema in tree format.
+### SparkDataFrame Operations
+#### Selecting rows, columns
+SparkDataFrames support a number of functions to do structured data 
processing. Here we include some basic examples and a complete list can be 
found in the [API]( docs:
+You can also pass in column name as strings.
+head(select(carsDF, "mpg"))
+Filter the SparkDataFrame to only retain rows with mpg less than 20 
+head(filter(carsDF, carsDF$mpg < 20))
+#### Grouping, Aggregation
+A common flow of grouping and aggregation is
+1. Use `groupBy` or `group_by` with respect to some grouping variables to 
create a `GroupedData` object
+2. Feed the `GroupedData` object to `agg` or `summarize` functions, with some 
provided aggregation functions to compute a number within each group.
+A number of widely used functions are supported to aggregate data after 
grouping, including `avg`, `countDistinct`, `count`, `first`, `kurtosis`, 
`last`, `max`, `mean`, `min`, `sd`, `skewness`, `stddev_pop`, `stddev_samp`, 
`sumDistinct`, `sum`, `var_pop`, `var_samp`, `var`. See the [API doc for 
`mean`]( and other 
`agg_funcs` linked there.
+For example we can compute a histogram of the number of cylinders in the 
`mtcars` dataset as shown below.
+numCyl <- summarize(groupBy(carsDF, carsDF$cyl), count = n(carsDF$cyl))
+#### Operating on Columns
+SparkR also provides a number of functions that can directly applied to 
columns for data processing and during aggregation. The example below shows the 
use of basic arithmetic functions.
+carsDF_km <- carsDF
+carsDF_km$kmpg <- carsDF_km$mpg * 1.61
+head(select(carsDF_km, "model", "mpg", "kmpg"))
+### Window Functions
+A window function is a variation of aggregation function. In simple words,
+* aggregation function: `n` to `1` mapping - returns a single value for a 
group of entries. Examples include `sum`, `count`, `max`.
+* window function: `n` to `n` mapping - returns one value for each entry in 
the group, but the value may depend on all the entries of the *group*. Examples 
include `rank`, `lead`, `lag`.
+Formally, the *group* mentioned above is called the *frame*. Every input row 
can have a unique frame associated with it and the output of the window 
function on that row is based on the rows confined in that frame.
+Window functions are often used in conjunction with the following functions: 
`windowPartitionBy`, `windowOrderBy`, `partitionBy`, `orderBy`, `over`. To 
illustrate this we next look at an example.
+We still use the `mtcars` dataset. The corresponding `SparkDataFrame` is 
`carsDF`. Suppose for each number of cylinders, we want to calculate the rank 
of each car in `mpg` within the group.
+carsSubDF <- select(carsDF, "model", "mpg", "cyl")
+ws <- orderBy(windowPartitionBy("cyl"), "mpg")
+carsRank <- withColumn(carsSubDF, "rank", over(rank(), ws))
+head(carsRank, n = 20L)
+We explain in detail the above steps.
+* `windowPartitionBy` creates a window specification object `WindowSpec` that 
defines the partition. It controls which rows will be in the same partition as 
the given row. In this case, rows with the same value in `cyl` will be put in 
the same partition. `orderBy` further defines the ordering - the position a 
given row is in the partition. The resulting `WindowSpec` is returned as `ws`.
+More window specification methods include `rangeBetween`, which can define 
boundaries of the frame by value, and `rowsBetween`, which can define the 
boundaries by row indices.
+* `withColumn` appends a Column called `rank` to the `SparkDataFrame`. `over` 
returns a windowing column. The first argument is usually a Column returned by 
window function(s) such as `rank()`, `lead(carsDF$wt)`. That calculates the 
corresponding values according to the partitioned-and-ordered table.
+### User-Defined Function
+In SparkR, we support several kinds of user-defined functions (UDFs).
+#### Apply by Partition
+`dapply` can apply a function to each partition of a `SparkDataFrame`. The 
function to be applied to each partition of the `SparkDataFrame` should have 
only one parameter, a `data.frame` corresponding to a partition, and the output 
should be a `data.frame` as well. Schema specifies the row format of the 
resulting a `SparkDataFrame`. It must match to data types of returned value. 
See [here](#DataTypes) for mapping between R and Spark.
+We convert `mpg` to `kmpg` (kilometers per gallon). `carsSubDF` is a 
`SparkDataFrame` with a subset of `carsDF` columns.
+carsSubDF <- select(carsDF, "model", "mpg")
+schema <- structType(structField("model", "string"), structField("mpg", 
+                     structField("kmpg", "double"))
+out <- dapply(carsSubDF, function(x) { x <- cbind(x, x$mpg * 1.61) }, schema)
+Like `dapply`, apply a function to each partition of a `SparkDataFrame` and 
collect the result back. The output of function should be a `data.frame`, but 
no schema is required in this case. Note that `dapplyCollect` can fail if the 
output of UDF run on all the partition cannot be pulled to the driver and fit 
in driver memory.
+out <- dapplyCollect(
+         carsSubDF,
+         function(x) {
+           x <- cbind(x, "kmpg" = x$mpg * 1.61)
+         })
+head(out, 3)
+#### Apply by Group
+`gapply` can apply a function to each group of a `SparkDataFrame`. The 
function is to be applied to each group of the `SparkDataFrame` and should have 
only two parameters: grouping key and R `data.frame` corresponding to that key. 
The groups are chosen from `SparkDataFrames` column(s). The output of function 
should be a `data.frame`. Schema specifies the row format of the resulting 
`SparkDataFrame`. It must represent R function’s output schema on the basis 
of Spark data types. The column names of the returned `data.frame` are set by 
user. See [here](#DataTypes) for mapping between R and Spark.
+schema <- structType(structField("cyl", "double"), structField("max_mpg", 
+result <- gapply(
+    carsDF,
+    "cyl",
+    function(key, x) {
+        y <- data.frame(key, max(x$mpg))
+    },
+    schema)
+head(arrange(result, "max_mpg", decreasing = TRUE))
+Like gapply, `gapplyCollect` applies a function to each partition of a 
`SparkDataFrame` and collect the result back to R `data.frame`. The output of 
the function should be a `data.frame` but no schema is required in this case. 
Note that `gapplyCollect` can fail if the output of UDF run on all the 
partition cannot be pulled to the driver and fit in driver memory.
+result <- gapplyCollect(
+    carsDF,
+    "cyl",
+    function(key, x) {
+         y <- data.frame(key, max(x$mpg))
+        colnames(y) <- c("cyl", "max_mpg")
+        y
+    })
+head(result[order(result$max_mpg, decreasing = TRUE), ])
+#### Distribute Local Functions
+Similar to `lapply` in native R, `spark.lapply` runs a function over a list of 
elements and distributes the computations with Spark. `spark.lapply` works in a 
manner that is similar to `doParallel` or `lapply` to elements of a list. The 
results of all the computations should fit in a single machine. If that is not 
the case you can do something like `df <- createDataFrame(list)` and then use 
+We use `svm` in package `e1071` as an example. We use all default settings 
except for varying costs of constraints violation. `spark.lapply` can train 
those different models in parallel.
+costs <- exp(seq(from = log(1), to = log(1000), length.out = 5))
+train <- function(cost) {
+  stopifnot(requireNamespace("e1071", quietly = TRUE))
+  model <- e1071::svm(Species ~ ., data = iris, cost = cost)
+  summary(model)
+Return a list of model's summaries.
+model.summaries <- spark.lapply(costs, train)
+To avoid lengthy display, we only present the result of the second fitted 
model. You are free to inspect other models as well.
+### SQL Queries
+A `SparkDataFrame` can also be registered as a temporary view in Spark SQL and 
that allows you to run SQL queries over its data. The sql function enables 
applications to run SQL queries programmatically and returns the result as a 
+people <- read.df(paste0(sparkR.conf("spark.home"),
+                         "/examples/src/main/resources/people.json"), "json")
+Register this SparkDataFrame as a temporary view.
+createOrReplaceTempView(people, "people")
+SQL statements can be run by using the sql method.
+teenagers <- sql("SELECT name FROM people WHERE age >= 13 AND age <= 19")
+## Machine Learning
+SparkR supports the following machine learning models and algorithms.
+* Generalized Linear Model (GLM)
+* Naive Bayes Model
+* $k$-means Clustering
+* Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) Survival Model
+More will be added in the future.
+### R Formula
+For most above, SparkR supports **R formula operators**, including `~`, `.`, 
`:`, `+` and `-` for model fitting. This makes it a similar experience as using 
R functions.
+### Training and Test Sets
+We can easily split `SparkDataFrame` into random training and test sets by the 
`randomSplit` function. It returns a list of split `SparkDataFrames` with 
provided `weights`. We use `carsDF` as an example and want to have about $70%$ 
training data and $30%$ test data.
+splitDF_list <- randomSplit(carsDF, c(0.7, 0.3), seed = 0)
+carsDF_train <- splitDF_list[[1]]
+carsDF_test <- splitDF_list[[2]]
+### Models and Algorithms
+#### Generalized Linear Model
+The main function is `spark.glm`. The following families and link functions 
are supported. The default is gaussian.
+Family | Link Function
+------ | ---------
+gaussian | identity, log, inverse
+binomial | logit, probit, cloglog (complementary log-log)
+poisson | log, identity, sqrt
+gamma | inverse, identity, log
+There are three ways to specify the `family` argument.
+* Family name as a character string, e.g. `family = "gaussian"`.
+* Family function, e.g. `family = binomial`.
+* Result returned by a family function, e.g. `family = poisson(link = log)`
+For more information regarding the families and their link functions, see the 
Wikipedia page [Generalized Linear 
+We use the `mtcars` dataset as an illustration. The corresponding 
`SparkDataFrame` is `carsDF`. After fitting the model, we print out a summary 
and see the fitted values by making predictions on the original dataset. We can 
also pass into a new `SparkDataFrame` of same schema to predict on new data.
+gaussianGLM <- spark.glm(carsDF, mpg ~ wt + hp)
+When doing prediction, a new column called `prediction` will be appended. 
Let's look at only a subset of columns here.
+gaussianFitted <- predict(gaussianGLM, carsDF)
+head(select(gaussianFitted, "model", "prediction", "mpg", "wt", "hp"))
+#### Naive Bayes Model
+Naive Bayes model assumes independence among the features. `spark.naiveBayes` 
fits a [Bernoulli naive Bayes 
 against a SparkDataFrame. The data should be all categorical. These models are 
often used for document classification.
+titanic <-
+titanicDF <- createDataFrame(titanic[titanic$Freq > 0, -5])
+naiveBayesModel <- spark.naiveBayes(titanicDF, Survived ~ Class + Sex + Age)
+naiveBayesPrediction <- predict(naiveBayesModel, titanicDF)
+head(select(naiveBayesPrediction, "Class", "Sex", "Age", "Survived", 
+#### k-Means Clustering
+`spark.kmeans` fits a $k$-means clustering model against a `SparkDataFrame`. 
As an unsupervised learning method, we don't need a response variable. Hence, 
the left hand side of the R formula should be left blank. The clustering is 
based only on the variables on the right hand side.
+kmeansModel <- spark.kmeans(carsDF, ~ mpg + hp + wt, k = 3)
+kmeansPredictions <- predict(kmeansModel, carsDF)
+head(select(kmeansPredictions, "model", "mpg", "hp", "wt", "prediction"), n = 
+#### AFT Survival Model
+Survival analysis studies the expected duration of time until an event 
happens, and often the relationship with risk factors or treatment taken on the 
subject. In contrast to standard regression analysis, survival modeling has to 
deal with special characteristics in the data including non-negative survival 
time and censoring.
+Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) model is a parametric survival model for 
censored data that assumes the effect of a covariate is to accelerate or 
decelerate the life course of an event by some constant. For more information, 
refer to the Wikipedia page [AFT 
Model]( and the 
references there. Different from a [Proportional Hazards 
Model]( designed for 
the same purpose, the AFT model is easier to parallelize because each instance 
contributes to the objective function independently.
+ovarianDF <- createDataFrame(ovarian)
+aftModel <- spark.survreg(ovarianDF, Surv(futime, fustat) ~ ecog_ps + rx)
+aftPredictions <- predict(aftModel, ovarianDF)
+### Model Persistence
+The following example shows how to save/load an ML model by SparkR.
+irisDF <- suppressWarnings(createDataFrame(iris))
+gaussianGLM <- spark.glm(irisDF, Sepal_Length ~ Sepal_Width + Species, family 
= "gaussian")
+# Save and then load a fitted MLlib model
+modelPath <- tempfile(pattern = "ml", fileext = ".tmp"), modelPath)
+gaussianGLM2 <-
+# Check model summary
+# Check model prediction
+gaussianPredictions <- predict(gaussianGLM2, irisDF)
+## Advanced Topics
+### SparkR Object Classes
+There are three main object classes in SparkR you may be working with.
+* `SparkDataFrame`: the central component of SparkR. It is an S4 class 
representing distributed collection of data organized into named columns, which 
is conceptually equivalent to a table in a relational database or a data frame 
in R. It has two slots `sdf` and `env`.
+    + `sdf` stores a reference to the corresponding Spark Dataset in the Spark 
JVM backend.
+    + `env` saves the meta-information of the object such as `isCached`.
+It can be created by data import methods or by transforming an existing 
`SparkDataFrame`. We can manipulate `SparkDataFrame` by numerous data 
processing functions and feed that into machine learning algorithms.
+* `Column`: an S4 class representing column of `SparkDataFrame`. The slot `jc` 
saves a reference to the corresponding Column object in the Spark JVM backend.
+It can be obtained from a `SparkDataFrame` by `$` operator, `df$col`. More 
often, it is used together with other functions, for example, with `select` to 
select particular columns, with `filter` and constructed conditions to select 
rows, with aggregation functions to compute aggregate statistics for each group.
+* `GroupedData`: an S4 class representing grouped data created by `groupBy` or 
by transforming other `GroupedData`. Its `sgd` slot saves a reference to a 
RelationalGroupedDataset object in the backend.
+This is often an intermediate object with group information and followed up by 
aggregation operations.
+### Architecture
+A complete description of architecture can be seen in reference, in particular 
the paper *SparkR: Scaling R Programs with Spark*.
+Under the hood of SparkR is Spark SQL engine. This avoids the overheads of 
running interpreted R code, and the optimized SQL execution engine in Spark 
uses structural information about data and computation flow to perform a bunch 
of optimizations to speed up the computation.
+The main method calls of actual computation happen in the Spark JVM of the 
driver. We have a socket-based SparkR API that allows us to invoke functions on 
the JVM from R. We use a SparkR JVM backend that listens on a Netty-based 
socket server.
+Two kinds of RPCs are supported in the SparkR JVM backend: method invocation 
and creating new objects. Method invocation can be done in two ways.
+* `sparkR.invokeJMethod` takes a reference to an existing Java object and a 
list of arguments to be passed on to the method.
+* `sparkR.invokeJStatic` takes a class name for static method and a list of 
arguments to be passed on to the method.
+The arguments are serialized using our custom wire format which is then 
deserialized on the JVM side. We then use Java reflection to invoke the 
appropriate method.
+To create objects, `sparkR.newJObject` is used and then similarly the 
appropriate constructor is invoked with provided arguments.
+Finally, we use a new R class `jobj` that refers to a Java object existing in 
the backend. These references are tracked on the Java side and are 
automatically garbage collected when they go out of scope on the R side.
+## Appendix
+### R and Spark Data Types {#DataTypes}
+R | Spark
+----------- | -------------
+byte | byte
+integer | integer
+float | float
+double | double
+numeric | double
+character | string
+string | string
+binary | binary
+raw | binary
+logical | boolean
+POSIXct | timestamp
+POSIXlt | timestamp
+Date | date
+array | array
+list | array
+env | map
+## References
+* [Spark Cluster Mode 
+* [Submitting Spark 
+* [Machine Learning Library Guide 
+* [SparkR: Scaling R Programs with 
Shivaram Venkataraman, Zongheng Yang, Davies Liu, Eric Liang, Hossein Falaki, 
Xiangrui Meng, Reynold Xin, Ali Ghodsi, Michael Franklin, Ion Stoica, and Matei 
Zaharia. SIGMOD 2016. June 2016.
+```{r, echo=FALSE}

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