> >> If we're struggling with being able to deliver new features in a safe
> and timely fashion, let's try to address that...
> This is interesting. Do you aware any means to do that? Thanks!
> I've mentioned this a few times on the lists before, but our biggest gap
in keeping branches releasable is automated integration testing.

I think we try to put too much into our minor releases, and features arrive
before they're baked. Having automated integration testing helps with this.
When we were finally able to turn on CI for the 3.0.0 release branch, we
started finding bugs much sooner after they were introduced, which made it
easier to revert before too much other code was built on top. The early
alphas felt Sisyphean at times, with bugs being introduced faster than we
could uncover and fix them.

A smaller example would be release validation. I've long wanted a nightly
Jenkins job that makes an RC and runs some basic checks on it. We end up
rolling extra RCs for small stuff that could have been caught earlier.


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