On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 11:33 PM, Allen Wittenauer <a...@effectivemachines.com
> wrote:

>         The original release script and instructions broke the build up
> into three or so steps. When I rewrote it, I kept that same model. It’s
> probably time to re-think that.  In particular, it should probably be one
> big step that even does the maven deploy.  There’s really no harm in doing
> that given that there is still a manual step to release the deployed jars
> into the production area.
>         We just need need to:
> a) add an option to do deploy instead of just install.  if c-r is in asf
> mode, always activate deploy
> b) pull the maven settings.xml file (and only the maven settings file… we
> don’t want the repo!) into the docker build environment
> c) consolidate the mvn steps
>         This has the added benefit of greatly speeding up the build by
> removing several passes.
>         Probably not a small change, but I’d have to look at the code.
> I’m on a plane tomorrow morning though.
> I refreshed my memory on this yesterday, and came to a similar conclusion.
+1 to this approach. It'd also solve our current issue, if we build the
site and site tarball after the deploy and building the src/bin tarballs.

So, regarding this current issue, I think our options are:

* The c-r changes to do "mvn clean deploy", create the src and bin
tarballs, then "mvn site" at the end.
* Turn off JDiff in the site build

I'd like to get off of JDiff since both the project and our usage of it
isn't maintained, but that might be a more controversial action than
changing create-release.

I filed HADOOP-15058 to dig further into this issue.


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