Hi all,

Let me start, as always, by thanking the efforts of all the contributors
who contributed to this release, especially those who jumped on the issues
found in RC0.

I've prepared RC1 for Apache Hadoop 3.0.0. This release incorporates 302
fixed JIRAs since the previous 3.0.0-beta1 release.

You can find the artifacts here:


I've done the traditional testing of building from the source tarball and
running a Pi job on a single node cluster. I also verified that the shaded
jars are not empty.

Found one issue that create-release (probably due to the mvn deploy change)
didn't sign the artifacts, but I fixed that by calling mvn one more time.
Available here:


This release will run the standard 5 days, closing on Dec 13th at 12:31pm
Pacific. My +1 to start.


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