I accidentally originally ordered my OpenMoko using the email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] when my email address is actually
[EMAIL PROTECTED](explanation:

Mail sent to @gmail.com rather than @googlemail.com still reaches me, but it
will not allow me to send from @gmail.com.

I assume it is because of this that when I contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
[rt.internal.openmoko.org #xxxx] I get an error "RT could not load a valid
user, and RT's configuration does not allow for the creation of a new user
for your email."

So I just get an error when I reply and say YES_I_DO to the email asking me
if I'm absolutely sure I want this developer preview. Rather than try to
spoof the @gmail.com email address, I am ignoring that order and have placed
another one using the correct email address.

I hope that if I now cannot get a phone from the first batch I will be given
an opportunity to cancel rather than wait another month for more to be
manufactured. I also hope I don't receive two orders!

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