On Saturday 15 March 2008 19:27:02 Sean Moss-Pultz wrote:
> >
> > ...and the Neo *is* fully open? What about the graphics module, the
> > gps module, and the gsm module? You may get some I/O specs, but the
> > modules themselves will never be open. They won't even release the
> > CAD files for the case in their original form...
> The CAD files here:
>    http://downloads.openmoko.org/CAD/
> Are _exactly_ the files that we use (and will use) for Mass Production.
> Please let me know where you found this inaccuate information so we can
> correct it.
> Or is this just your opinion?
> Sean

Hehe, pwn3d! :)

Anyway, I'd like to have some approximately date again, when the Freerunner 
will be ready for shipping _to developers_. Is the hardware tested and 
approved now? Will you go into mass-production soon, or is it conceivable? If 
we're close now, maybe we can get some more accurate dates...


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