Lally Singh wrote:

Oh sheesh.  Why are you trying so hard to poison this project?
Oh, please. If you want to entertain me with rhetoric, put more effort into it.

I'm not "poisoning this project", I'm simply adding a note of actual reality here. If anything might have that effect, I'd imagine it'd be the persistent and unrealistic complaints about a project which has been more open and transparent than any hardware project I've ever seen. And, having worked at both Apple and Palm for a number of years, and having spent the past seven years in the cell phone industry, I've seen plenty of 'em.

The fact is that the sort of response with which you're so unhappy is not unusual in open source projects at all. You're doing a lot of opining about "what open source projects do" without a lot of substantiation to back it up. All of this is not much different than the demands, many months ago, about "Why can't you _just add WiFi_?" to the GTA01, equally misinformed, equally unhelpful.

Here's an idea: you want a wish list, and feel there's a pressing need for one, why don't you create it? It's, after all, the "open source" thing to do, right?

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