On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 11:44 PM, steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   As I explained a while back we had a few milestones to hit before beginning
>  mass production.
>  The First was DVT. Building phones and verifying the design. That's been
>  completed and so we have
>  Moved onto the next stage PVT. Verifying the design for Production. This
>  stage is always a bit annoying
>  Because the temptation is to throw the switch and build a billion phones.
>  There are three PVT builds scheduled
>  And the first has been completed. The completed handsets will be tested and
>  then we will tweak the process and build two more PVT  batches. It's the
>  final push people so everybody keep your good humour.
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Congratulations!!! I'm glad to see things looking so good :-)

Kind Regards,

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