I think the only option would be having _both_, i can't live without WiFI as i would use my phone alot at work and there's a building wide wireless network setup, though having 3G would be nice when not at a place with a wifi service, i'd not want to buy a phone without wifi these days.

The nice thing about wifi is that it's free, wherever you can find a open network you have access to everything at no cost, but with 3G you have to pay.

For my part costs like 20 nok (norwegian kroners) per MB downloaded, which is insane.


Kevin Dean skrev:
On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 12:15 PM, Steven **
As a US resident, 3G is pretty useless to me.  Mostly because it costs
 AT LEAST an additional $30 a month to utilize it.  I'm also not sure
 it's available in my area.

I'm also a US resident and the unlimited plan on my carrier is $19.99 a month.

 WiFi, on the other hand, is free when it's available (which is
 admittedly scarce in some areas).

The main trade offs between wifi and 3G, IMO, are consistancy. In this
area, 3G is EVERYWHERE but there are few if ANY wifi services that can
handle a 50 mile radius without a drop. I see no point in having a
mobile internet connecting if you can't actually connect to the
internet while moving.


 On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 7:00 AM, Federico Lorenzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > First off, this is by no means official in any way. Vote on [1] if you
 >  _think_ 3G is essential for a successor to FreeRunner
 >  [1] http://blog.automated.it/2008/04/07/is-3g-an-important-feature/
 >  Cheers,
 >  Federico
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