2008/4/11, Pietro m0nt0 Montorfano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> What about a nice wiki page telling if you want to buy a neo where do you
> live and an email to contact? This could be useful to take the advantage to
> buy 10 neo at a time and then giving it to each one who was accorded.
> Let me explain, i want a neo, i'm from italy, near milan, marco (usual
> name here) live in milan and wants a neo too, (and so on for 10 people)...
> So pietro, marco and each other put an order together to minimize the cost
> of the neo, so everyone can get the neo at a smaller price.
> This is only an idea and a usual thing that i do with my friends when
> buying something from US or other countries.
> If someone find this useful can set up such a page? i don't know how to
> use a wiki (yes, i know, i should learn how to use it but now i don't want
> to do that :D)

I think we could use local groups pages for that...


maybe creating a new section about ordering...


> Pietro
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