On 18 Apr 2008, at 23:12, Shawn Rutledge wrote:

I would like to see future devices using a 3.5mm jack.  IMO the
important thing is high-quality music, whereas if you just want to
talk on the phone, Bluetooth headsets are more popular these days.

I haven't found a bluetooth headset which comfortably fits my ear. I'd be happy to use an over-the-head headset (like this shape <http:// www.provu.co.uk/imgs/snom_headset_monaural_new.jpg>) if I could find one that did bluetooth (in fact, I'd buy at least two) but right now I don't consider bluetooth an option.

All I want to do is to be able to use some of the time I spend driving to return my customers' phonecalls. If this can be solved with a wired pair of earbuds (featuring a microphone on the cable) which costs pennies to produce then (to me) this is obviously better than experimenting with several bluetooth headsets which, a week or two after purchase, start dropping off my ear in the middle of a conversation. Right now, all I do when I get in my car is take my phone out of my shirt pocket, pick up the earbuds' cable from the passenger seat and plug it in; it takes 2 seconds to clip the microphone to my shirt collar.

As I said before, each of the last 3 phones I've bought have come with a wired headset, but each has use a different proprietary connector. (examples: <http://www.e-batteries.com.au/images/B_XAD0005_03.jpg> <http://www.cellexcompany.com/ebay/datacables/datacable.gif>) For this reason I just assumed that one would require a headset designed specifically for the Neo.

For those up in arms over paying for my cabled headset because it's an accessory they'll never use, I hope that FIC will consider the cost-benefit of this - you can undoubtedly buy such headsets, properly wired with the appropriate connector, for cents when you are buying them by the thousand from a factory in China. If device owners must buy them as a separate item then the price must reflect the hassle of stocking & shipping them, and will be MUCH increased.


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